Chris joined the Malta firm’s Assurance practice in 2008, having also been seconded to PwC Sydney. He has been involved in the audits of a number of clients operating predominantly in the insurance sector. He was admitted into the firm’s partnership in 2021 as an Assurance partner.

His client portfolio has included a number of local and foreign, life and non-life principals as well as captive (re)insurance companies having been involved in a number of audit and non-audit assignments.

Chris has been actively involved in the run up to IFRS17, having delivered training to our clients and staff as well as other non-audit assignments relating to the impact of the standard, including the delivery of a number of client-specific, gap assessment workshops to Maltese-registered insurers. To further his understanding of IFRS 17 developments, Chris participates in training and PwC network-wide calls hosted by global PwC IFRS 17 technical specialists.

Christopher Cardona

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