A Resilient Tomorrow: COVID-19 Recovery and Transformation

The COVID-19 outbreak has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, causing huge impact on people's lives, families and communities.

In Singapore, the Circuit Breaker measure introduced by the government has been extended to 1 June 2020 to contain the outbreak, and three COVID-19 support packages has been announced to help businesses and individuals through these times.

As international and local responses continue to develop, we know that organisations are facing several potentially significant challenges to which they need to respond rapidly - here’s how organisations can focus their efforts to strengthen their business resilience.

How are global finance leaders navigating COVID-19 disruptions and uncertainties?

PwC is tracking sentiment and priorities about the COVID-19 outbreak among finance leaders. Here's a closer look at our latest insights.

PwC's COVID-19 CFO Pulse Survey

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Fortitude Budget Dialogue 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Now’s the time to shift focus to efforts that support returning to work and restarting operations, while addressing needed changes in the months ahead.

In Singapore, the Circuit Breaker has lifted and the fourth round for COVID-19 support budget measures has been announced, aimed at helping businesses adapt to the changing environment.

As organisations begin to make that shift, from mobilising during this time, to stabilising in the new environment and strategising for what’s next - here’s how organisations can focus their efforts.

Singapore Fortitude Budget: Dialogue

Focusing on transforming businesses through digital adoption and workforce resilience, hear from our experts, Ng Siew Quan, Tan Ching Ne, and Abhijit Ghosh and their Fortitude Budget views in this rapid-fire dialogue.

Download our Fortitude Budget commentary

Four key areas to focus your efforts

The COVID-19 pandemic has put many existing crisis management and business continuity plans under pressure. Organisations in Singapore are finding ways to ensure business continuity such as through minimising cost and leveraging on the COVID-19 relief and support measures introduced by the government, all while responding to new disruptions and changing situations. To emerge stronger from this crisis, it is also important that businesses use this time to bolster their business resilience, especially in the areas of cash flow and supply chain management, tax and regulatory compliance, securing jobs and investing in technology.

Amidst the unknown variables of COVID-19 and the new reality, one thing is certain: organisations are now embracing digital transformation in everything they do at an accelerated pace. More than before, businesses need to create a differentiated experience for their customers in the digital marketplace. As the world moves into adopting new ways of virtual working, cybersecurity, digital finance, data optimisation, digital upskilling and transformation are now key pillars that need to be embedded across organisations to better enable both businesses and their clients to work together and co-create solutions.

As companies shift from reacting to mitigating the impact of the outbreak, they can identify learning points and opportunities that can help their business emerge stronger from the crisis. This include rethinking and transforming their business strategy, customer engagement strategy, organisational structure and new ways of working the new economy.

The world of work has changed significantly over the past few weeks as governments and companies embrace remote working arrangements to contain the outbreak. Organisations need to consider preparing and upskilling their workforce for a post-COVID-19 future where new technologies, processes and business models are introduced. Employers must also keep in mind that upskilling is more than just providing employees access to training. It is also about cultivating your people into agents of change, helping them learn how to think, act and thrive in a new world that is sustainable over time.

How are global finance leaders navigating COVID-19 disruptions and uncertainties?

PwC is tracking sentiment and priorities about the COVID-19 outbreak among finance leaders. Here's a closer look at our latest insights.

PwC's COVID-19 CFO Pulse Survey

PwC's COVID-19 Navigator

Our digital tool contains 3 sections of questions that will help you understand where your company stands as you respond to COVID-19 in the areas of crisis management and response, workforce, operations and supply chain, finance and liquidity, tax and trade, and last but not least, strategy and brand.

Start here

Our COVID-19 Insights

Hear from our experts



Connect with our experts

We understand that this is a difficult time for many individuals and businesses. If you would like more information or to discuss any specific issues you may have, please contact us to understand how to tap on the Singapore's government schemes to mitigate your business impacts and risks.

See Hong Pek

Partner, Digital Audit, PwC Singapore

+65 9638 7021


Dr Zubin J Daruwalla

Health Industries Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9751 7023


David Wijeratne

Partner, Growth Markets Practice, PwC Singapore

+65 9759 1784


Sigfried Ching

Managing Director, Business Continuity and Resilience, PwC Singapore

+65 9736 0724


Rachel Eng

Managing Director, Eng and Co. LLC, Singapore

+65 9671 1226


To understand how to tap on government schemes to mitigate your business impacts and risks:

Chris Woo

Asia Pacific Tax Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9118 0811


Ng Siew Quan

Asia Pacific Leader, Entrepreneurial and Private Business, PwC Singapore

+65 9726 9880


For questions pertaining to business operations in China:

Tham Tuck Seng

Partner, Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Singapore

+65 9618 3776


For other general questions:

Sam Kok Weng

Markets Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9367 3340


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