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Progressive tax System
Solidarity Levy on Individuals
95% exemption
Special Levy on Banks under the VAT Act
Solidarity Levy on Telephony Service Providers
Solidarity Levy calculated at 5% of book profit and 1.5% of turnover for profitable telephony service providers have been amended to 5% of book profit and 1% on turnover.
Loss making telephony service providers will be required to pay Solidarity Levy at 1% of turnover.
Any unrelieved ITC may be carried forward for 10 years.
Companies engaged in the manufacturing of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be allowed to claim the ITC in respect of expenditure incurred on new plant and machinery (excluding motor cars) only on non-alcoholic beverages.
The annual chargeable income of an individual will be taxed as follows:
Removal of VAT and Customs Duty on glass ceramic blocks for dental use.
Extension of VAT exemption to the construction of a purpose-built building for the provision of primary and secondary education.
VAT, Customs Duty and Excise Duty exemption to contractors engaged in the construction of social housing units under a Social Housing project implemented by New Social Living Development Ltd. The tax exemptions will be applicable on the procurement of goods (excluding vehicles), works, consultancy services and other related services.
Zero-rate VAT on instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences of HS Code 90.18 (instead of VAT exempt).
Zero-rate VAT extended to water supplied, infrastructure and renting out of meters by the Rodrigues Public Utilities Corporation.
Special Levy rate increased to 5.5% for large banks
Home ownership scheme in relation to refund of 5% of the cost of the property up to a maximum of Rs500,000 extended up to 30 June 2024.
Under the home ownership scheme, refund on properties acquired under the ‘vente en l’état futur d’achèvement’ (VEFA), will be made in respect of the amount paid by the purchaser under the VEFA agreement up to 30 June 2025.
A person contracting a secured housing loan under the home loan payment scheme to construct his residence will continue to benefit from a refund of 5% of the loan amount, up to a maximum of Rs500,000, until 30 June 2024. Amounts of loan disbursed up to 30 June 2025 will qualify under this scheme.
Effective as from 3 June 2023, increase of 10% on excise duty for alcoholic and tobacco products.
A virtual asset service provider and an issuer of initial token offerings will have to report annually to the MRA a transaction made by:
Abolition of ratio of foreign to local employees for sectors such as construction, Manufacturing, Agriculture and SMEs, including Bakery Operator.
Application for WP allowed for non-citizens present in Mauritius under a tourist or business visa.
Approval of WP will be deemed to have been granted upon the issuance of an electronic work permit certificate if no response has been received from the Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training within 4 weeks of the date of application.
Introduction of three tier system to fast track the processing time of WP. Recruiting companies will be classified by the Economic Development Board and each category will have a specific timeframe.
Maximum duration of stay of 4 years removed for carers who will now be allowed to work in Mauritius as long as their service is required.
New policy framework for employment of domestic migrant workers (Maids and Babysitters) expected from the Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training.
Introduction of 18 months International Expert Training Visa.
Eligibility to premium visa for medical patients and retirees as well as up to 2 accompanying caretakers.
Acquisition price exceeds USD200,000
Acquirer is older than 50 years old
Property Acquisition outside existing schemes allowed subject to a payment of an additional registration fee of 10% .The minimum value of the property acquired has been increased to USD500,000.
The main Residence Permit holder (not his spouse or children) is allowed to acquire only one property.
Residence Permit granted to a non citizen and his family upon the acquisition of a property of a minimum price of USD375,000 under the sustainable city scheme.
Read more all measure in our Budget Brief 2023 - 2024.
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