It is hardly arguable, that we live in the age of exponential growth. Besides many other things, the growth of the data volume generated by us is rocketed too thereby the business value potential hidden in this data is also continuously growing. If you want to manage and utilize your corporate data assets, you should design a comprehensive, enterprise-level data strategy, and you should continuously implement and update it.
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Our business intelligence based solutions are covering the following territories: customer portfolio management, customer retention, product sales, collections management, customer experience management and cash management optimization.
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Primary task of a Cash Optimization System is to offer forecast-based assistance in making optimal decisions about the time and amount of supplies and retrievals so as to maximize the network availability and simultaneously reduce the value of non-working cash and transport costs. Our company is a vendor of the business engine behind such systems.
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Because of the boom in online content and services, even small businesses generate reams of data every day comparable to data volumes generated by enterprise data warehouses. Collecting and using this data has become a priority, due in part to fierce competition that forces market players to exploit the business potential of data.
With the dynamic growth of the online market, big tech companies (such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo!) provide easy-to-access and readily usable solutions that require complex data processing, which opens up opportunities for online data mining services that might come into demand in today’s fiercely competitive environment. To find out more, take a look at our summary, below, of our online data analytics solution
Learn moreThe ever increasing volume of data, the increasingly complex company data assets and business issues make it essential to continuously train our staff: obtaining knowledge of cutting-edge data management, data processing, analytical methods and software is a must for efficient work.
Our company can help your colleagues in obtaining this knowledge: we offer courses tailored to the customer’s needs and requirements or courses with ready-made syllabus for small groups in order to get better use of corporate data assets.
Learn moreBy mapping out the social networks of our customers, we can acquire data that can prove valuable across the entire field of CRM. Our company possesses a proprietary algorithm suitable for exploring various contact groups within customer networks. The structure of a social network assumes the availability of data on interactions taking place between customers.
Learn moreHow can you offer your products and services in a way that is both fun and engaging?
Gamification allows you to shift your sales into higher gear by incorporating competitive gaming to make your products and services more appealing to customers.
It could be as simple as offering reward points for customer transactions and activities to create competition among customers.
Learn moreBusiness intelligence solutions which leverage company data are becoming increasingly important as modern enterprise resource planning tools. The amount of information generated on a daily basis, the increasing complexity of products and the quick changes in business processes all underscore the need for pre-decision support.
Our experts have been involved in the implementation of nearly two hundred analytical solutions at leading corporations, both Hungarian and international, representing various industries from telecommunications to finance. The scope of our projects, for a diverse range of BI solutions, covers all phases of deployment, from planning to deployment.
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