M&A and Group Reorganization Services

Mergers and acquisitions have helped Japanese companies expand market share and reduce costs. In recent years, Japanese business leaders have increasingly looked to overseas acquisitions as key drivers of their long-term growth strategies. Major Japanese trading firms and resource development companies have established a larger global presence even as competition for natural resources such as oil and gas has become even fiercer.

As more cross-border deals permeate the market, global issues surrounding taxation, laws and regulations, accounting systems, and personnel will become more complex. Evaluating and closing transactions requires prompt but informed decision-making. In these situations, it may be inefficient to rely on partial advice scattered among various service providers. For successful and efficient deals, it is conducive to appoint a multiple-service professional services firm as an advisor that can seamlessly provide comprehensive expertise over the life of a proposed transaction.

Our M&A tax group has deep knowledge and experience in working with complex transactions. We provide tax advice on tax-efficient transaction structuring, due diligence services to examine tax risks of target corporations which impact corporate valuations and purchase agreements, and post-merger integration. In addition, in order to provide our clients with integrated, comprehensive services, we work with PwC Advisory’s M&A advisory team to address issues in addition to tax. PwC Advisory has a wealth of knowledge covering financial due diligence, valuation, modelling, post-merger integration and human resources consulting.

Lastly, our worldwide network of PwC member firms provides additional support for cross-border transactions that require localized expertise.


Related services:

M&A structuring

  • M&A structuring for cross-border investment and acquisition
  • M&A structuring for domestic acquisition and management integration
  • Business succession planning

Support for tax due diligence

  • Tax due diligence (domestic/overseas)

Support for valuation modelling

  • Support for tax modelling
  • Tax risk valuation

Support for post-acquisition integration

  • Tax planning and reporting for post-acquisition integration transactions
  • Corporate reorganization/business recovery
  • Transfer pricing methodology integration
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