Deal advisory

Deal advisory services in Japan and worldwide, with a primary focus on on M&A, business recovery and infrastructure

Own Success at Every Turn

Originating deals, creating deals, executing deals and realising results from a deal, is what we do everyday.

If you are looking for faster growth, stronger capabilities, a competitive edge or are in need of a dramatic transformation, come and talk to us. We bring to the table a truly connected global network of industry experienced deal advisors coupled with data-driven insights that help to support more confident decisions.

No matter what business stage you are at, our focus on value is what will help you succeed throughout the deal lifecycle.

Own Success at Every Turn

Major businesses

Strategy ‐ Setting management agendas and developing strategies

  • M&A strategy planning
  • Medium-term management planning
  • Planning and dissemination of a corporate purpose
  • ESG and sustainability management strategy
  • IP strategy and transformation
  • Manufacturing reform

Execution - Strengthening the competitiveness of core businesses

  • M&A advisory
  • Due diligence
  • Valuation
  • PMI support
  • ROIC and cash flow management
  • Infrastructure project support

Transformation - Promoting fundamental structural reforms and responding to crisis situations

  • Business recovery
  • Group business and corporate reorganisation
  • Global operating model reform
  • Carve-outs
  • Joint ventures and alliances
  • Enhancement of corporate governance
  • ESG strategy execution
  • Crisis management

Stakeholder-focus - Promoting alliances with external stakeholders

  • Decarbonisation and net-zero/Energy
  • Value creation in urban development
  • Corporate real estate strategy
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Digital transformation and data analytics


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