Carbon Management

ESG Masterclass Series

As countries and industries globally transition to low carbon economies, PwC’s ESG Masterclass Series: Carbon Management will help equip participants with vital knowledge and skills needed to embark on their decarbonisation journey, mitigating risks and capturing emerging opportunities. ​

The course provides a comprehensive approach to carbon management, from calculating your Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon footprint to setting decarbonisation targets, applying decarbonisation methodologies and reporting.

Learning objectives

To transition to a low carbon economy, companies must first understand what their emissions are and how they can be managed. This process can be very technical, and requires skilled expertise, which most companies - regardless of size - need to build the capability for. This course seeks to train company representatives in carbon management so that companies are sufficiently prepared to embark on their decarbonisation journey.​

This course has been designed for participants to:
  • Understand key decarbonisation concepts and terms
  • Learn about global and local regulations​
  • Take steps to establish your greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory
  • Find out which decarbonisation method is best for your company
  • Set targets and plans

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Join us for the upcoming session

Registration closes on 7 March 2025

Course details

The course has been developed by industry practitioners, bringing together a wealth of practical and applicable knowledge to maximise strategic ESG business value. The course delivery team sits in PwC’s Asia Pacific Centre for Sustainability Excellence, ensuring that all course content is relevant for businesses and up to date with industry best practices and emerging standards. The course also leverages PwC’s expertise in sustainability services ranging from developing ESG strategies to adhering to a host of reporting standards.

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Format In-person sessions
Duration 16 hours in total, over two consecutive days
Programme fees

Full price - SGD $1,600*

Enterprise Singapore subsidised price - SGD $480*

*Fee stated is per participant and excludes prevailing GST, which will be applied on the full price

Class size 20 - 35 pax

March 2025

Registration closes on 7 March 2025

Date Time Format
Mon, 17 March 2025 9:00 - 5:00pm
In-person, PwC office
Tue, 18 March 2025 9:00 - 5:00pm In-person, PwC office

Enterprise Singapore subsidy conditions

  • Subsidised course fee of S$480 (not inclusive of GST) per participant is only applicable to nominees from local companies1 and trade associations (TACs).2
  • Each eligible entity will be supported for up to a maximum of 3 participants for each type of ESP Sustainability Course.3​
  • Each individual will only be supported once for each type of ESP Sustainability Course.3
  • The company or TAC is liable to make full payment for the course fees if it or its participants are found to be ineligible or fail to complete the course.​
  • Course completion includes:​
    • Participant’s attendance of the entire course​
    • Obtaining Certificate of Attendance (CoA)
    • Submission of post-course feedback form​

1 Business entities registered and operating in Singapore. This excludes: (a) non-profit organisations and charities (registered as public companies limited by guarantee); and (b) foreign companies operating in Singapore (registered as branch or representative offices).

2 TACs will need to fulfil the following criteria: a) registered with Registry of Societies (ROS) or Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA); and b) defined as a non-profit organisation.​

3 There are currently three types of ESP Sustainability Courses: Foundational, Decarbonisation, and Sustainable Financing. Please refer to the ESP website here for the list of courses under each course type.​

Subsidy process

To receive this subsidy, please submit the following documents to after you have registered using the link at the bottom of this page:

  1. Completed Company Nomination Declaration Form (Download here)
  2. Verification documents:
    • Local companies:
      • Company’s most recent ACRA Bizfile profile (accessed from 2022 onwards)
    • Trade associations:
      • Company’s most recent ACRA Bizfile profile (accessed from 2022 onwards)
      • If ACRA Bizfile profile is not available, please provide a screenshot of the organisation’s registration with the Registry of Societies (ROS)

Application process

Register now

ESG Masterclass Series: Carbon Management

About the Enterprise Sustainability Programme - Sustainability Courses

The Enterprise Sustainability Programme (ESP) supports Singapore businesses to build capabilities in sustainability and capture new opportunities in the green economy. As part of the initiatives under the ESP, Enterprise Singapore has partnered industry players to conduct a series of ESP Sustainability Courses to help businesses build awareness and knowledge in sustainability.

There are currently three types of ESP Sustainability Courses: Foundational, Decarbonisation, and Sustainable Financing.

Please refer to the ESP website for more information.


The ESP Foundational Course aims to equip business leaders with basic awareness and knowledge of sustainability, and serves as a foundation for businesses seeking to build capabilities for the green economy and develop a plan for sustainability efforts. Participants are provided access to tools and resources to assess the current sustainability readiness and performance of their businesses.

PwC’s ESG Essentials for SMEs is part of the ESP Foundational Course series.


The ESP Decarbonisation Course aims to equip business leaders with key knowledge to embark on decarbonisation, including principles of carbon accounting and disclosures, setting of decarbonisation targets, and means of decarbonisation. Participants can access tools and frameworks to learn the basics of carbon accounting, and identify decarbonisation pathways for their businesses.

ESG Masterclass Series: Carbon Management is part of the ESP Decarbonisation Course series.

Sustainable Financing

The ESP Sustainable Financing Masterclass aims to build knowledge of sustainable finance amongst business leaders by providing a background to sustainable finance, an overview of sustainable finance instruments, and practical knowledge on how businesses can access sustainable finance for their sustainability efforts.

ESG Masterclass Series: Sustainable Finance is part of the ESP Sustainable Financing Masterclass series.

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