Strategic Sustainability

Leading Malaysian Telecommunications Company

Project description:
Development of a Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy and management framework

Following a Board governance review, a leading Malaysian telecommunications company sought to develop a CR strategy and framework.

Our first step was to benchmark local and international companies to identify the material focus areas for the telecommunications industry as well as local needs. We followed this up with stakeholder discussions to gather feedback on material sustainability focus areas and to understand the industry’s direction. We also trained the client on sustainability and good reporting practices.

The client’s new sustainability initiatives were well coordinated so that it improved the impact of the company’s CR investments. The client developed its first standalone CR report, committed to a stakeholder management programme and provided corporate responsibility key performance indicators updates to the Board.

Airline Operator

Project description:
Development of a sustainability roadmap

The client needed help in developing their sustainability strategy and framework.

We started by prioritising the client’s key sustainability focus areas by taking into account internal and external stakeholder inputs through stakeholder engagement activities, key aviation industry sustainability risks and issues, and identifying key sustainability value drivers.

We assisted the client in setting annual targets and goals, and developing a roadmap to implement the key sustainability initiatives identified.

Global Fast Moving Consumer Goods Business

Project description:
Sustainability strategy development in response to climate change impact on food security

The client wanted to analyse the likely impact of future global megatrends on its core food businesses in a scenario planning exercise.

We assessed the evidence on 19 key sustainability related trends including climate change, population growth, energy trends, food security and globalisation. One aspect of the work involved assessing the evidence on climate change impacts on key agricultural commodity supplies at a global level and investigating possible adaptation strategies that the company might undertake in order to ensure the availability, quality and price of future supplies.

Our work also identified possible future business opportunities which fed into the company’s sustainability strategy to respond to climate change impacts on food security.

Malaysian Government Agency

Project description:
Strategy development for a foundation

The client, a governmental non-profit organisation focused on alleviating poverty, wished to develop a 5-year strategy direction plan and engaged PwC to assist in its development.

The solution involved a deep dive analysis of the current business operations and the perception of its key stakeholders. The results were then benchmarked through research conducted by the team on the relevant global good practices. Gaps and opportunities were then identified and further developed. These were amongst the key inputs to developing the 5-year vision through workshop facilitations with senior management. Building upon the end-state vision identified, the team developed a transformation roadmap, which was supported by mid-level implementation plans and business cases for each initiative. Other tools such as financial models provided guidance to project owners for successful implementation.

The intended result is for the Government Agency to become a leading regulator in its industry and improve the business conditions of Malaysia.

Sovereign Wealth Fund

Project I description:
Evaluation of shareholder benefits from improved sustainability performance

The client wanted us to evaluate the potential shareholder value benefits of improved sustainability performance from three of their investee companies.

We identified the key sustainability value drivers for the companies and constructed DCF models to evaluate future scenarios for implementation of sustainability initiatives.

In all cases we found significant value potential for the companies. Value drivers associated with the programme which were quantified included energy efficiency, waste to energy, employee engagement and the value of having a market leading sustainability programme in terms of risk management, product differentiation and access to capital.


Project II description:
Development of an awareness paper and sustainable funding options for wetlands

The client wanted to evaluate the value of the wetlands in their planned development region in both economic and ecological terms in order to know what developments should take place in the area.

We studied the economic and ecological value of the wetlands in the client's development region to understand what possible developments were most suitable. We also studied potential funding options to fund the maintenance and management of the wetlands. Sample funding options studied included carbon funding and environmental compensation funds.

We developed a paper for the client to increase awareness of the economic and ecological value of wetlands in the client's development region. The paper was used to create better appreciation and understanding of possible developments in the wetlands area.

Global Non-governmental Organisation (WWF)

Project description:
Sectoral study on timber, palm oil, pulp and paper and mining industries

In 2007, the Governments of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia signed the Heart of Borneo (“HoB”) Declaration to conserve and sustainably manage 22 million ha across the island of Borneo. The client, a global non-governmental organisation, wished to conduct a sectoral study on the timber, palm oil, paper and pulp and mining industries in the areas covered by the HoB Declaration.

The work scope included the engagement of more than 80 company representatives from target sectors operating in and around the HoB. This engagement process involved more than 50 detailed interviews, as well as industry focused workshops in KL and Jakarta in order for us to paint a picture of the timber, palm oil, paper and pulp and mining industries in the Heart of Borneo region.

We produced a detailed sectoral study on the timber, palm oil, paper and pulp and mining industries in the Heart of Borneo region (“HoB”) for the client.

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