Game of Threats™

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Cyber Threat Simulation

Game of Threats™ is a digital game that simulates the speed and complexity of a real-world cyber breach to help executives better understand the steps they can take to protect their companies. The game environment creates a realistic experience where both sides – the company and the attacker, are required to make quick, high impact decisions with minimal information.

PwC’s Cybersecurity experts coach players through realistic scenarios with different types of threat actors and their preferred methodologies, and explain what they can do to better prevent, detect and respond to an attack.

What's Game of Threats?

Game of Threats™ facilitates conversations around Cybersecurity to help your organization experience the key decisions that need to be made during a cyber incident. This highly interactive simulation provides invaluable insights into cybersecurity to senior executives, including the C-suite and Boards of Directors.

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Threat actor (attacker) and company teams each have their own iPad controller. They see the impact of their decisions in real-time on a shared monitor. Actions are designed around the concept of a shuffled deck of “virtual cards” displayed onscreen. Players can encounter different options every time they play. PwC moderators provide a detailed summary of each game, reviewing both teams’ strategy, actions and missed opportunities.

Cost: Rs 235,000 (Group of 10-16 players) | MQA Approved

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