Transfer Pricing: Pricing Considerations at the Transactional Level (Session 5) | 23 April |
Registration link |
Japanese webinar: Annual Update | 年次アップデートウェビナーのご案内 | 27 Febuary | 2月27日 (木) |
Registration link |
Global Minimum Tax - Your readiness for compliance | 「グローバルミニマム課税: 遵守への準備」に関するウェビナー | 23 January I 1月23日 (目) |
Registration link |
Global Minimum Tax - Your readiness for compliance | 16 January |
Registration link |
Mastering Transfer Pricing Documentation: TP Forms and TP Local Files (Session 4) | 15 January |
Registration link |
Global Minimum Tax - Your readiness for compliance | 17 December
Registration link |
Streamlining Transfer Pricing Adjustments: Common Pitfalls and Solutions (Session 3) | 27 November |
Registration link |
Annual Tax and Legal Conference 2024 | 2024年度中文研讨会 | 15 November (Hanoi) | 11月15日 (河内)
22 November (HCMC) | 11月22日 (胡志明市) |
More detail |
Annual Tax and Legal Conference 2024 | 18 October (Hanoi) 25 October (HCMC) |
More detail |
Webinar - M&A market in Vietnam - FMCG and retail | FMCG及びリテールを中心としたベトナムにおけるM&Aの環境に関するWebinar | 9 October | 10月9日 |
More detail | 詳細 |
Unveiling Value Chain Analysis in Transfer Pricing: Focus on Functional Analysis (Session 2) | 25 September |
More detail |
Webinar - Audits on Customs Finalisation Reports in 2024 and notable points | 20 September |
More detail |
Tax Audits Today - Service and Software Sector Strategies (Session 3) | 12 September |
More detail |
Tax Audits Today | 税務調査の最新の動向に関する Webinar | 29 August | 8月29日(木) |
More detail | 詳細 |
Tax Seminar in Hai Phong - Current Regulatory Changes: What You Need to Know | 22 August |
More detail |
Transfer Pricing: Pricing Considerations at the Transactional Level (Part 1) (Session 1) | 21 August |
More detail |
Tax Audits Today - Trading, Distribution and FMCG Focus (Session 2) | 8 August |
More detail |
Transfer pricing matters: What companies should be aware of? | 移轉定價實務:公司應關注哪些要點? | 23 July 7月23日 |
More detail | 註冊鏈接 |
Webinar for companies in Dong Mai IZ |
19 July |
More detail |
Tax Audits Today - Manufacturing Industry Insights (Session 1) | 18 July |
More detail |
Navigating the Vietnamese Business Landscape: Key Insights on Accounting, Legal, and Tax Matters for Korean Companies | 베트남 내 한국기업에 대한 규제체계 |
25 June 6월 25일 |
More detail | 참가신청 |
Updates on newly issued laws & M&A related practices_Chinese speaking webinar | 越南法規更新以及越南併購須注意事項_全程中文線上研討會 |
30 May 5月30日 |
More detail | 註冊鏈接 |
Driving ESG Transformation: The Key to Business Success |
8 May |
Post transfer pricing audits: What should companies be aware of? | 8 May |
Register here |
Annual seminar for Japanese companies | 年次アップデートセミナー | 5-7 MAR (HN) | 3月5日(火)、6日(水)、7日(木) (ハノイ) | In HN | ハノイ
More detail | 詳細 |
13-15 MAR (HCMC) | 年3月13日(水)、14日(木)、15日(金) (ホーチミン) | In HCMC | ホーチミン
More detail | 詳細 | |
Insights into the post-clearance customs audit status in 2023 and emerging customs audit trends in 2024 | 30 Jan |
Critical development in 2023 tax and legal regulations: from a manufacturing company’s angle | 16 Jan (Bac Giang) 19 Jan (Ha Nam) |
Bac Giang
Ha Nam
Mandatory insurances: How to comply? | 12 Dec |
Register here |
2023 年度實體研討會 掌握最近的重大法規資訊及因應措施 |
24 Nov (HCM) 8 Dec (HAN) |
Register here |
Prepare transfer pricing forms and local file | 6 Dec |
Register here |
2023 Tax and Legal Year-End Conference | 3 Nov (HAN) 15 Nov (HCMC) |
Register here |
Identify transfer pricing risks for taxpayers | 19 Oct |
Register here |
Refreshing on customs finalisation reports ("CFR") and customs audits | 13 March |
Register here |
ChatGPT and its impact on finance? | 17 Feb |
Register here |
Customs Audit trend | 16 Feb |
Register here |
JBN Annual seminar | 13 Feb (HCMC) 17 Feb (HAN) |
Register here |
Annual Chinese seminar | 25 Nov (HCMC) 17 Dec (HAN) |
Register here |
Tax seminar series for manufacturing companies: Binh Duong province | 9 Dec |
Register here |
KSOX seminar for Korean clients | 6 Dec |
Register here |
IFRS Updates | 22 & 29 Nov |
Register here |
PwC Vietnam’s HR breakfast briefing: Workforce of the future | 11 Oct |
Register here |
Data privacy in the era of digital transformation in banking | 7 Oct |
Register here |
IFRS 9: Impact of post COVID-19 and best practices for banks in Vietnam and in the region (PwC & VNBA) | 2 Jun |
Register Here |
Transforming Internal Audit function with data analytics and process mining (PwC and Smart Train) | 18 May |
Register Here |
Top 10 risks of cloud security (PwC and VNBA) | 18 May |
Register Here |
The importance of treasury and how corporates manage treasury function (PwC & Smart Train) | 12 May |
Register Here |
Audits in tax and transfer pricing: how to be well prepared? | April | Session 1: April 2022 Session 2: September 2022 |
Register Here |
Guidance for declaring final corporate tax returns and transfer pricing forms | 20 April | Session 1:
Session 2: November 2022 |
Register Here |
Data analytics & process mining for organisations and businesses: How to achieve business process excellence? | 14 April |
Register Here |
What is the difference between a customs inspection and a customs audit? | 25 March |
Register Here |
IFRS Updates and Roadmap in Vietnam | 15 December |
Register here |
Customs dialogue: Preparing for 2021 customs finalization reports | 26 November |
Register here |
Managing your tax compliance in the new normal | 23 November |
Register here |
Transfer pricing health check and how transfer pricing analytics can help to identify and manage transfer pricing risks? | 16 November |
Register here |
Webinar for bankers: Key tax and regulatory changes that affect banking sector | 10 November |
Register here |
テクノロジーを活用した税務リスクへの対応 / Managing tax and customs audits with technology | 9 November |
Register here |
Keeping up with the insurance industry | 4 November |
Register here |
Threat hunting in IT infrastructure and solutions for financial services | 2 November |
Register here |
Customs regulation update and cross-border transportation solutions | 海關法令更新、跨境運輸及鐵路服務實務說明 | 29 October |
Register here |
Customs dialogue: Let's talk about customs audits | 29 October |
Register here |
How should information be presented in a Local File to make it sufficient? | 19 October |
Register here |
Tax audit: a practical sharing on recent trends and notable cases | 13 October |
Register here |
Data analytic & process mining for Financial servies - How to achieve business process excellence? | 5 October | In the era of digital transformation, organizations are tending to digital shift, using data analysis and process mining solutions for the purpose of exploiting, monitoring and improving processes in their business. This increases operational efficiency by reducing process timing and minimizes the impact of gaps within the process.
Register here |
Navigating tax and labour measures in response to Covid-19 | 29 September |
Register here |
Customs dialogue - Discuss some practical issues on customs procedures and import/export duties | 29 September |
Register here |
Planned changes to the personal data protection regulations | 28 September |
Register here |
Transfer pricing dispute resolution - How to do best in preparation under the new situation? | 21 September |
Register here |
Are you ready for the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) journey? | 21 September | ESG metrics and reporting are fast becoming business imperatives. Stakeholders today are looking for organisations that measure and disclose environment, social, governance as well as financial performance. Join us as our speakers share their views that can help you take the next step in your ESG reporting journey in Vietnam.
Register here |
Asia Pacific Risk Symposium 2021 | 15 September |
Register here |
Updates on recent customs regulations | 27 August |
Register here |
越南电子商务税收发展 | Development in Vietnamese tax regulations for e-commerce and digital businesses | 13 August |
Register here |
Gen Z: Risk or Rewards for businesses? | 1 Jul | In recent years, technology has developed at breakneck speed. But technology and solutions, without the people with the skills needed for today’s ever-evolving workplace, cannot create transformation and business impact. Gen Z (born from the late 1990s to 2010), the newest members of the workforce, will be at the heart of this tumultuous time. Is Gen Z equipped with necessary skills to keep up with the Industrial Revolution 4.0? At the same time, how is this latest set of employees going to reshape the talent management strategy for businesses? And are businesses ready to attract and retain the best of Gen Z? Join our webinar, co-organised with ACCA Vietnam and ManpowerGroup Vietnam to have your questions answered. With our latest researches and surveys on Gen Z, either in the international or local market, we hope that the insights and recommendations from this webinar will be useful and applicable to your businesses. |
Register here |
赴越投资者于越南经商之建议 Advice on doing business in Vietnam | 25 Jun | PwC越南很高兴与泰国 WHA伟华集团同举主题为“赴越投资者于越南经商之建议”的网络研讨会,此活动专门为有兴趣进入越南市场或于越南扩大投资的华商公司举办。 |
Register here |
How will the G7 commitment to Pillars 1 and 2 impact your business? | 23 Jun | There has been much comment recently on the agreement on tax reached by the G7. Whilst these will not have an immediate impact on Vietnam’s tax regime, they are likely to have an effect here over the longer term. Join our webinar to find out what businesses should be thinking about to stay ahead of potential global tax policy changes with the recent G7 Finance Ministers’ agreement? | Register here |
개인소득세 규정의 이해 및 관리 | 27 May | PwC에서 베트남의 개인소득세 관련 웨비나를 개최합니다. 동 웨비나에서는 베트남의 개인소득세 개념 및 개인소득세 컴플라이언스를 이해하고 관리하는 방법, 그리고 고용주와 종업원의 납세 의무를 다룰 예정입니다. 자세한 내용은 동 링크를 확인해 주십시오. |
등록 링크Register |
Human Resources Director - 25th event | 14 May | In this event, we will discuss:
See our invitations for more details. |
Register here |
Travel in and out Vietnam during Covid-19 | 11 May |
Need to travel from and to Vietnam during COVID-19? Not sure how to prepare for the lengthy process ahead? Join Beluxcham Vietnam’s upcoming online workshop to understand possible challenges and get practical guidance on how you can plan for the Vietnam departure and entry. |
Register here |
Update on import duty treatments for imported goods | 06 May |
Our customs experts will discuss and share the view regarding key changes in the recently issued Decree 18/2021/ND-CP as well as its impact to companies’ import and export activities. We will also share some other notable updates on customs related matters. |
Register here |
Managing tax and customs audits with technology | 26 & 27 April |
Register here |
未取得工作簽證下於越南工作之稅務影響與建議 Tax comments on working in Vietnam without a working permit |
24 April |
Register here |
Family Business Survey 2021 - Vietnam report webinar | 23 April |
We’ll be unpacking the key local findings and sharing insights on how family businesses can navigate the many uncertainties in today’s digital world. |
Register here |
不正調査対応における法務・労務問題および法務デューデリジェンスに関するWebinar Legal - Labour law related to forensic matters and Legal DD |
20 April |
Register here |
연결 내부회계관리제도 도입 실무 Korean Internal Control Financial Reporting: Roll-out practice |
08 April |
Register here |
Tax administration relating to e-commerce and digital business | 19 March |
View invitation here |
Register here |
Refreshment on customs finalisation reports (CFR) and customs audit cases 「関税年次報告書及び関税調査ケーススタディ」に関するWebinar |
1 March | During the webinar, we will walk through the forms in the CFR that are required to be submitted every year. We will also provide real-world examples to illustrate common errors that can happen when preparing the CFR, which can lead to duty and tax exposure. 本Webinarでは、関税年次報告書についてのご説明、書類作成の際に起こり得る一般的な誤りおよびこれらがどう税務リスクに繋がるのかを解説させていただきます。また、本Webinarでは直近の関税調査のケーススタディをご紹介し、実際の課税執行および納税者の対応策について解説させていただきます。
Register here |
Refreshment on customs finalisation reports (CFR) 연간 세관신고서("CFR") 관련 규정 및 절차. | 26 February | During the webinar, we will walk through the forms in the CFR that are required to be submitted every year. We will also provide real-world examples to illustrate common errors that can happen when preparing the CFR, which can lead to duty and tax exposure. 동 웨비나에서는 연간 세관신고서 양식을 다룹니다. 또한, 연간 세관신고서 작성 시 관세 및 세무 상 리스크가 될 수 있는 오류사항의 실제 발생 예시를 제공합니다.
Register here |
Getting the most out of Internal Audit | 29 January |
The event is by invitation only.
Refreshment on customs finalisation reports 海關年終報告應注意事項 |
26 January |
Register here |
Annual update seminar アニュアルアップデートセミナー |
25 and 27 January |
Register here |
‘Reshape for Growth’ Talk Series: Cloud security & privacy compliance: Are you ready? |
21 January |
Register here |
Transfer pricing and tax audit updates/新移転価格税制及び最近の税務調査の状況 | 23 December |
Register here |
Another annual personal income tax year end compliance? How ready are you? | 22 December |
Register here |
Transfer pricing and tax audit updates/新移転価格税制及び最近の税務調査の状況 | 21 December |
This seminar might be cancelled depending on the situation of COVID-19. In case of cancellation, a webinar with the same content will be organised.
Register here |
Emerging issues and solutions for businesses in Vietnam/越南企業面臨的新興問題與其解決方案 | 19 December |
This seminar might be cancelled depending on the situation of COVID-19. In case of cancellation, a webinar with the same content will be organised.
Register here |
Tax compliance - Getting ready for the finalisation season | 17 December |
Register here |
Development in Vietnamese tax regulations for e-commerce and digital businesses | 15 December |
Similar to other countries in the region, Vietnam is paying great attention to the collection of taxes from e-commerce and digital businesses. This attracts public attention, and there have been various discussions organised by the government aiming to build a system/framework to enforce tax declarations and payments of foreign suppliers/providers via online platforms. We are delighted to organise a webinar session on 15 December 2020 to share with you the most recent developments. Aimed at foreign companies conducting e-commerce and digital business but who have not set up a business in Vietnam, we believe this webinar will provide you with key insights on the latest developments on upcoming tax regulations. |
Register here |
Transfer pricing challenges in Vietnam - how to manage your risks?/베트남 이전가격 챌린지 - 리스크 관리 방안 | 14 December |
Register here |
HR Director Round Table Discussion – 24th event | 10 December |
Please note that this is a restricted event and only available to these job positions.
View our invitation here |
New decree on appeal regulations and some notable issues on appeal procedure | 26 November |
Register here |
疫情下转让定价管理 - 越南案例分享 | 20 November |
Register here |
Insights 2020 customs audits and trends for upcoming years | 19 November |
Register here |
Practical steps to implement e-invoicing | 29 October |
Register here |
Internal control for Japanese companies | 28 October |
Register here |
越南国际化发展及税务环境 | 23 October |
Register here |
Banking - 2020 Regulations update and tax audit trend | 21 October |
Register here |
Pharma - Closer supervision of importation procedures and pricing policies of pharma trading FIEs | 20 October |
Register here |
“Reshape for Growth” talk series: The art of risk mitigation in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation projects | 14 October |
Companies are moving to become more flexible and more mobile. Never before have we seen such a strong demand for automation, remote office, real-time visibility, system integration, etc. It highlights the need for an adaptable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that connects people, processes and technologies in your business. To ensure business continuity, companies looking to implement ERP system must consider them in the context of your specific business case. It can be tricky since the risks involved can be paramount. Are you aware of these risks? How can you manage these risks to stay ahead of the game? Join our webinar where our experts shares their views on potential risks based on their years of experiences in planning and implementing ERP system for well-known organisations. See our invitation | Register to get our webinar recording (in Vietnamese) |
Register here |
How COVID-19 is affecting immigration compliance | 08 October |
We invite you to join our webinar, where our experts will discuss and share the normal and new normal immigration requirements when sending employees to Vietnam. We will also share some key challenges and difficulties employers and employees faced on immigration related matters. |
Register here |
Transfer pricing - regulation updates and audit focuses | 30 September |
In this webinar, we will look at recent transfer pricing developments in Vietnam. To draw out the practical challenges posed by the local tax authorities, we will present some pertinent case studies, and highlight how companies can effectively defend their transfer pricing positions. |
Register here |
M&A trends and Deal drivers in Vietnam (ベトナムにおける最近のM&Aの状況について) | 29 September |
ご存知の通り、ベトナム国内におきましては、7月以降中部のダナンを中心にCovid-19の感染が再度拡大しているため、大人数でのセミナー開催が制限されている状況でございます。このような状況を受けまして、この度PwCベトナムでは、通常のセミナー形式ではなく、下記の通りM&A Webinarを開催させていただくことといたしました。 本Webinarでは東南アジアにおけるM&Aのトレンド、ベトナムにおける最近のM&Aの状況について解説させていただくとともに、実際のベトナムでのM&Aに関与している弊法人のDealsのパートナーおよびTaxのディレクターによるパネルディスカッションをさせていただく予定でございます。 ご多忙の折とは存じますが、皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げております. |
Register here |
Insurance: Tax audit trend and compliance aspects | 25 September |
Register here |
Update on customs regulations (customs classification, customs valuation, FTAs, customs audit) | 25 September |
Register here |
AEO Refreshment and Related Customs Audit Sharing (AEO議題及其相關之海關稽核分享) | 18 September |
Register here |
“The Great Rebound” talk series: Accelerate the digital agenda: Blueprint for success | 10 September |
Many industries are being rapidly transformed - some permanently, resulting in unprecedented challenges in adapting to the new business environment. Organisations need to redefine digital transformation strategies, undertake organisational change and create their own ecosystem. So what is the blueprint for success in mastering and managing your ecosystems? Do you build your ecosystem or leverage on partners to deliver end-to-end customer solutions? Join us to learn more about a digital transformation journey. |
Register here |
Updates on transfer pricing and EPC regulations | 28 August |
Register here |
Insights on managing a Representative Office in Vietnam | 27 August |
Register here |
越南EPC项目相关税务法务分享会 | 25 August |
Register here |
2020 tax update, tax audit trend & new protocol to DTA between South Korea & Vietnam | 21 August |
Register here |
Transfer pricing - Regulation updates and audit focuses | 20 & 27 August |
Register here |
How to seize on opportunities from customs perspective for the new era of EVFTA | 14 August | The following topics will be covered in our customs webinar sharing recent development regarding the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA):
Register here |
“Reshape for Growth” talk series: Better prepare your supply chain and workforce for future shocks | 04 August | We are living in an age of accelerated change and disruption. With learnings from the outbreak, businesses need to leverage on their newfound agility to prepare for what’s next in the age of future shocks. Are you aware of the different dimensions of your complex supply chain? Can you sustain your workforce engagement and productivity during uncertain times? Join PwC Vietnam’s webinar where our teams in Operations and People & Organisation Management share their views on how to build capability for your future growth. |
Register here |
“The Great Rebound” talk series: How can your company surge ahead? | 28 July | Every organisation wants to move from being an industry player to an industry leader. What does it take to surge ahead of your competition? Join our panel discussion with one of the co-authors of “Fueling your company’s urge to surge” article on how you can position your company to emerge ahead. |
Register here |
“Reshape for Growth” webinar talk series: Managing your working capital for strategic advantages | 14 July | In today’s unprecedented world, cash and working capital are fundamentals that organisations should leverage as means to reshape their business for growth. In this inaugural talk, PwC Vietnam will share some best practices that Vietnamese companies have embarked on to sustain cash flows and operations while enhancing their liquidity position. Register before: Monday, 13 July 2020 See invitation here | Register to get our webinar recording (in Vietnamese) |
Register here |
Annual updates in Japanese | 10 July | さて、 PwCベトナムでは、6月18日(木)および6月19日(金)に、日系企業の皆様を対象としたアニュアルアップデートセミナーを、ホーチミンおよびハノイにて開催させていただきました。
ご多忙の折とは存じますが、皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げております. |
Register here |
Sharing on customs audits in Chinese | 24 June | 鑑於越南對COVID-19疫情的管理相對成功,海關稽核活動已重新啟動以確保各公司遵守海關法規。 在此情況下,PwC越南誠心希望邀請您參加我們的網路分享會,此分享會將包含以下內容:
Register here |
Annual updates in Japanese | 18 June in HCMC & 19 June in Hanoi | 本セミナーにおきまして、ベトナムにおける COVID-19をめぐる各種状況や、IFRS導入の状況、改正租税管理法や労働法をはじめとした各種法令改正など、昨今大きく進展しているベトナム国内の事業環境の変化について解説させていただきます。また、本セミナーでは税務調査についても事例をご紹介し、実際の課税執行および納税者としての対応策について解説させていただきます。
ご多忙の折とは存じますが、皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げております。 |
More details here |
23rd Human Resources Director Roundtable: Legal update and employment issues surrounding COVID-19 | 05 June | We are pleased to invite you to our virtual roundtable discussion regarding legal updates and employment issues surrounding Covid-19. Our speakers from PwC Legal Vietnam will share regulatory updates, in particular Directive 11 and Official Letters from SSA and DOLISA, discuss impacts on companies in Vietnam and share insights on employment issues commonly faced by clients. | More details here |
Managing mobility for foreign companies with employees in Vietnam | 28 May | Join us in this webcast to learn the latest individual tax and HR related issues for employers with investment in Vietnam. | More details here |
Tax seminar for Chinese speaking companies | 05 Dec | We are pleased to invite you to our seminar arranged for Chinese speaking companies. The seminar will focussed on key customs regulations which will impact your companies' supply chain. We will also share with you some common issues relating to recent tax and transfer pricing audits. Please join us to understand more on the risks that your company may be exposed to. | More details here |
Notable updates in customs | 06 Nov | We are pleased to invite you to our customs seminar refreshing important rules for preparation of annual customs finalization reports as well as updating several new customs regulations. Language: Vietnamese
Register here |
Opportunities From CPTPP & EVFTA | 16 Aug | The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (“CPTPP”) has been validated in Vietnam since 14 January 2019 and brings the number of countries where this important pact is effective to 7. Recently the Government has issued Vietnam's preferential export and import tariffs for the implementation of the CPTPP. In addition, the long-awaiting free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam was signed in Hanoi on 30 June 2019 (i.e. the EVFTA). Therefore, PwC Vietnam would like to invite you to our seminar discussing interesting opportunities that companies might have in such context. You can register by filling in the registration form. | More details |
Ethics & trust in a digital era | 21 May | In a digital era, Banking and Fintech have renewed Internet banking model and served the emerging trend of online payments. However, this invites an important question regarding to ethics, safety and data security for the consumers. Pho Duc Giang, Director, Cyber Security and Privacy Services at PwC Vietnam will be sharing on data protection and privacy for open banking at this event, co-organized with Vietnam Bank Association (VNBA) & ACCA. More information here. |
Register here |
Corporate Tax & Transfer Pricing year-end reporting refreshment | 24 Apr | We would like to invite you to our seminar on Corporate Tax and Transfer pricing - Year-end reporting refreshment. In the seminar, notable issues on corporate tax and transfer pricing will be discussed in order to prepare for the upcoming finalisation season in June 2019. | Register here |
IT risk control and introduction about the CISA training course | 19 Jan | Content of the workshop includes:
For further information, please download the invitation here. |
Registration link |
Seminars on year-end reporting refreshment | 17 & 21 Jan | We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminars on year-end reporting refreshment:
For more details of the topics and locations, please read our invitation here. |
Tax seminar for Chinese speaking companies | 06 Dec | We are pleased to invite you to our seminar arranged for Chinese speaking companies. The seminar will focussed on key customs regulations which will impact your companies' supply chain. We will also share with you some common issues relating to recent tax and transfer pricing audits. Please join us to understand more on the risks that your company may be exposed to. | More details here |
Data Governance Series - Powering control and growth of the data-enabled banking industry | 26 Nov | In this seminar, our distinguished industry experts will discuss the emerging trends in data governance in financial services and share key insights from PwC’s 2019 Financial Services (FS) Chief Data Officer Survey as well as our experiences in helping global and local clients in their Data Governance Journey. | More details here |
Notable updates in customs | 21 Nov | We are pleased to invite you to our customs seminar refreshing important rules for preparation of annual customs finalization reports as well as updating several new customs regulations. Language: Vietnamese
Register here |
Assist local banks in managing 3rd party risks when digitally transforming under circular 18/SBV |
14 Nov | In this workshop,our experts will introduce digitisation trends and how they will affect local banks and financial institutions. |
Explore further & register here |
Corporate Tax & Transfer Pricing year-end reporting refreshment | 18 Apr | We would like to invite you to our seminar on Corporate Tax and Transfer pricing - Year-end reporting refreshment. In the seminar, notable issues on corporate tax and transfer pricing will be discussed in order to prepare for the upcoming finalisation season in June 2019. | Register here |
Breakfast Briefing: The future of banking | 06 Mar | Becoming a Digital Bank is one of the top objectives of banks across the world. The banks that are to succeed are those who can best employ digital and data technologies to elevate customer experience, automate business processes and improve regulatory compliance. Therefore, the question is what does the future bank look like? What is next in BankTech? We would like to cordially invite you to join us for our flagship 2019 banking event, The Future of Banking. John Garvey - PwC’s Global Financial Services Leader, together with a panel of distinguished industry experts, will explore what it takes for banks to thrive in this digital age, whilst maintaining their human relationship-driven core. |
More details |
Seminars on year-end reporting refreshment | 10, 15 & 21 Jan | We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminars on year-end reporting refreshment:
For more details of the topics and locations, please read our invitation here. |
Seminar on customs year-end reporting refreshment | 28 May in Bac Ninh 31 May in Dong Nai |
We are pleased to invite you to our seminar sharing notable customs issues when preparing annual customs finalisation reports for processing goods, goods imported for production of exported products, and imported & exported goods of EPEs. | Register here |
Corporate Tax & Transfer Pricing year-end reporting refreshment | 23 Apr in Ha Nam | We would like to invite you to our seminar on Corporate Tax and Transfer pricing - Year-end reporting refreshment. In the seminar, notable issues on corporate tax and transfer pricing will be discussed in order to prepare for the upcoming finalisation season in June 2019. | Register here |
Seminars on year-end reporting refreshment | Seminar 1:
Seminar 2:
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminars on year-end reporting refreshment:
For more details of the topics and locations, please read our invitation here. |
Employment tax: Year end reporting refreshment
18 Dec
Whether large or small, most companies find year end reporting to be a challenge. However, accurate reporting is a critical part of compliance. In this session, we will review the requirements of a year end personal income tax reporting and provide advice on avoiding common pitfalls. More details here.
Tax update seminar for Japanese companies
14 Dec
The seminar will be delivered in Japanese. During the seminar, our experts will go through recent issues of tax investigation and update on new changes of tax regulations in Vietnam.
Navigating difficult waters in a changing landscape
29 Nov
Following our recent successful update seminars on customs and transfer pricing in Vietnamese language, we will hold a tax update briefing in English language in both Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City. More details here.
Conversion of VAS financial statements to IFRS: Conversion procedures, practical experiences and new key points of IFRS in 2018 – 2019
06 Nov
IFRS has become more and more widespread in Vietnam. Don't fall in behind the trend! Explore IFRS with our leading experts on the following topics:
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
Register here | |
Customs & Tax updates in Chinese
27 Oct
The content focused on the influences of new laws related to customs which have been in effect since June 2018, such as governing export processing enterprises, tariff assessment, customs procedures, customs survey, etc. Besides, the new Law on Technology Transfer, the new Government decree on commercial promotion activities and other recent tax audit trends were also discussed.
Invitation | |
Tax seminars
22 Oct, 24 Oct & 09 Nov
We are pleased to provide details of our upcoming seminars:
Details of the topics and locations are set out here.
Registration link to seminar 1 Registration link to seminar 2
Tax seminars series
Oct 18 - Jun 19
We are delighted to announce our seminar schedule for the period from October 2018 to June 2019. Invitation and details of each seminar will be provided later. The following seminars will be organised in HCMC:
IFRS 9 implementation: Embracing the opportunities and challenges
21 Sep
Our international experts aim to guide Vietnamese banks in how to best prepare for the IFRS 9 implementation. They will share their knowledge of the complexities of IFRS 9 and offer practical experiences to cope with the challenges of implementing IFRS 9.
Tax update seminar in Japanese
25 Jul
PwC Vietnam are going to hold a free tax update seminar in Japanese in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. We will explain about the influences of new laws related to customs which are implemented since June 2018 in export processing enterprises, tariff assessment, customs procedures, customs survey, etc. Also, we will discuss about the new law on technology transfer agreement law and promotion activities that has been effected since July 2018. For more details, please refer to our invitation letter.
Building Global FinTech Connections: Singapore with Ho Chi Minh City
25 July
Join our evening of networking and hear our panellists discussing the latest developments from the Singapore FinTech ecosystem. During the event, there will be PitchFest where our five selected finalists will present their innovative FinTech solutions. The winner will get a free booth Singapore FinTech Festival (12-16 Nov) and meet high-profile investors across the world. Would like to present your idea? Sign up now!
Register to PitchFest networking
Register to PitchFest competition
"A Quick View Of Mobility In Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, And Vietnam" Seminar
12 July
Find out how to manage mobile employees in these regions with our experts coming from Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam!
PwC seminars discussing important new Customs regulations
21 Jun
The new Customs Decree 59/2018 took effect 5 June 2018. Following this, the new Customs Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC has just been issued, amending Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC. These new regulations introduce many changes in the Customs regime in Vietnam, and some may impact your business.
IFRS 9: The financial tool for commercial banks
19 Jun
As commercial banks in Vietnam implement Basel II, an understanding of IFRS 9 and its connection to Basel II is essential to ensure that commercial banks maximise their investments in risk management. Through this training, PwC and VNBA would like to provide you with an overview of IFRS and share practical experience from successful implementation of IFRS 9 in the region. To register, please complete our registration form & send to before 14 Jun 2018.
Link (Source: VNBA)
How can Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) drive new revenue streams for your business
19 Jun
Today, the biggest challenge for many businesses is how to take advantage of collected data to create actionable insights, improve decision making speed & sophistication and embed this thinking into the organisation.
Link (Source: EuroCham)
18th HR Director RoundTable Discussion
14 Jun
We are delighted to invite you to our 18th HR Director RoundTable Discussion. This time we will discuss paying your non-traditional workforce.
Managing risk & creating value for business Workshop
21 May
Vietnam's economy is changing dramatically as many emerging factors appear to have direct and indirect influence on it. In order to survive and develop, businesses have started to build and enhance their business value, get listed on the stock market and seek some new strategic investors. To be able to perform well, businesses must have a safe, transparent and sustainable operating mechanism. Therefore, the internal audit function, if properly constructed and operated effectively through the application of new technology and human resources, will play an important role in the management and decision making process. This workshop will discuss how internal control can help create value for businesses in the today's context. We will also share our experiences in order to answer your questions.
(Source: Smart Train) |
Profitability analysis and Management Reporting Workshop
19 Apr
PwC Vietnam in collaboration with Smart Train and SAP Asia Vietnam would like to invite you to our workshop "Profitability analysis and Management Reporting" to help you better understand the importance of management reporting in business operation.
BBGV Business Luncheon: Outlook for 2018
19 Apr
Vietnam economy reached 2017 with a growth rate of 6.81%. However, there are a lot of difficulties and challenges that require the business community to invest more efforts to remain the impressive growth in 2018, especially with the unpredictable changes in both micro and macro situation. Join us on the BBGV Outlook for 2018 Business Luncheon, and get an overview of Vietnam economy in 3 different aspects: Legal, Finance and Tax.
Managing your risks, creating value: the role of internal audit and emerging technologies
13 Apr
Emerging technologies are changing how we do business, go to market, and manage risk. For internal audit to continue to create value for its stakeholders, it needs to stay current on what technology innovations mean to their organization. During this session we will discuss talent and technology strategy that can help your organization address the evolving risk environment.
Tax Audit Seminar
12 Apr
Tax & transfer pricing audits are on the rise – and they are becoming more sophisticated & challenging. We are pleased to invite you to our forthcoming seminars on tax audits. Our experts will share with you experience from recent audits, together with tips on how to prepare for & manage these.
Quarterly HR Director Round Table Discussion – 17th event
6 Mar
This time we will discuss about the termination of a labor contract. Discussion points are as follow.
We hope to see you at the events.
Seminars on year-end reporting refreshment
10, 15 & 21 Jan
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminars on year-end reporting refreshment:
For more details of the topics and locations, please read our invitation here.
Tax Update Briefing in Chinese
14 Dec
PwC Vietnam is pleased to hold a seminar about e-invoice in Chinese language in Hanoi. This seminar will give you updates on the latest regulations and focus on what companies need to prepare in the transition from paper invoice to e-invoice. More details here.
Tax update seminar for Japanese companies
12 Dec
The seminar will be delivered in Japanese. During the seminar, our experts will go through recent issues of tax investigation and update on new changes of tax regulations in Vietnam.
Employment tax: Year end reporting refreshment
11 Dec
Whether large or small, most companies find year end reporting to be a challenge. However, accurate reporting is a critical part of compliance. In this session, we will review the requirements of a year end personal income tax reporting and provide advice on avoiding common pitfalls. More details here.
Navigating difficult waters in a changing landscape
3 Dec
Following our recent successful update seminars on customs and transfer pricing in Vietnamese language, we will hold a tax update briefing in English language in both Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City. More details here.
Registration link | |
Conversion of VAS financial statements to IFRS: Conversion procedures, practical experiences and new key points of IFRS in 2018 – 2019
9 Nov
IFRS has become more and more widespread in Vietnam. Don't fall in behind the trend! Explore IFRS with our leading experts on the following topics:
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
Register here | |
Brand in relation to strategies of enterprise development
29 Oct
With an aim to help businesses maximise the brand impact, learn how to build and develop a brand, and most importantly evaluate a brand to align with business strategies of enterprise development, we would like to invite you to the workshop: "Brand in relation to strategies of enterprise development".
Tax seminars
22 Oct & 01 Nov
We are pleased to provide details of our upcoming seminars:
Details of the topics and locations are set out here.
Registration link to seminar 1 Registration link to seminar 2
Tax seminars series
Oct 18 - Jun 19
We are delighted to announce our seminar schedule for the period from October 2018 to June 2019. Invitation and details of each seminar will be provided later. The following seminars will be organised in Hanoi:
Invitation letter | |
IFRS 9 implementation: Embracing the opportunities and challenges
20 Sep
Our international experts aim to guide Vietnamese banks in how to best prepare for the IFRS 9 implementation. They will share their knowledge of the complexities of IFRS 9 and offer practical experiences to cope with the challenges of implementing IFRS 9.
Tax update seminar in Japanese
26 Jul
PwC Vietnam are going to hold a free tax update seminar in Japanese in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. We will explain about the influences of new laws related to customs which are implemented since June 2018 in export processing enterprises, tariff assessment, customs procedures, customs survey, etc. Also, we will discuss about the new law on technology transfer agreement law and promotion activities that has been effected since July 2018. For more details, please refer to our invitation letter.
PwC seminars discussing important new Customs regulations
02 Jul
The new Customs Decree 59/2018 took effect 5 June 2018. Following this, the new Customs Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC has just been issued, amending Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC. These new regulations introduce many changes in the Customs regime in Vietnam, and some may impact your business.
Managing your risks, creating value: the role of internal audit and emerging technologies
28 Jun
Emerging technologies are changing how we do business, go to market, and manage risk. For internal audit to continue to create value for its stakeholders, it needs to stay current on what technology innovations mean to their organization. During this session we will discuss talent and technology strategy that can help your organization address the evolving risk environment.
Managing risk & creating value for business Workshop
16 May
Vietnam's economy is changing dramatically as many emerging factors appear to have direct and indirect influence on it. In order to survive and develop, businesses have started to build and enhance their business value, get listed on the stock market and seek some new strategic investors. To be able to perform well, businesses must have a safe, transparent and sustainable operating mechanism. Therefore, the internal audit function, if properly constructed and operated effectively through the application of new technology and human resources, will play an important role in the management and decision making process. This workshop will discuss how internal control can help create value for businesses in the today's context. We will also share our experiences in order to answer your questions.
(Source: Smart Train)
Tax Audit Seminar
18 April
Tax & transfer pricing audits are on the rise – and they are becoming more sophisticated & challenging. We are pleased to invite you to our forthcoming seminars on tax audits. Our experts will share with you experience from recent audits, together with tips on how to prepare for & manage these.
Profitability analysis and Management Reporting Workshop
17 Apr
PwC Vietnam in collaboration with Smart Train and SAP Asia Vietnam would like to invite you to our workshop "Profitability analysis and Management Reporting" to help you better understand the importance of management reporting in business operation.
Customs & Tax updates in Chinese
19 Oct in Binh Duong
The content focused on the influences of new laws related to customs which have been in effect since June 2018, such as governing export processing enterprises, tariff assessment, customs procedures, customs survey, etc. Besides, the new Law on Technology Transfer, the new Government decree on commercial promotion activities and other recent tax audit trends were also discussed.
Tax seminars
Seminar 1: 23 Oct - Hai Duong & Vung Tau 24 Oct - Bac Ninh & Vinh Phuc 25 Oct - Binh Duong 26 Oct - Dong Nai Seminar 2: 31 Oct - Hai Phong 06 Nov - Hai Duong 7 Nov - Vung Tau 12 Nov - Bac Ninh 14 Nov - Dong Nai 15 Nov - Binh Duong |
We are pleased to provide details of our upcoming seminars:
Details of the topics and locations are set out here.
Registration link to seminar 1 Registration link to seminar 2
Tax seminar series
Oct 18 - Jun 19 in Bac Ninh, Hai Duong, Vinh Phuc, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Vung Tau, Hung Yen, Thai Nguyen & Cu Chi
We are delighted to announce our seminar schedule for the period from October 2018 to June 2019. Invitation and details of each seminar will be provided later.
Invitation letter | |
PwC seminars discussing important new Customs regulations
28 Jul in Binh Duong
The new Customs Decree 59/2018 took effect 5 June 2018. Following this, the new Customs Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC has just been issued, amending Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC. These new regulations introduce many changes in the Customs regime in Vietnam, and some may impact your business.
Managing your risks, creating value: the role of internal audit and emerging technologies
13 Apr
Emerging technologies are changing how we do business, go to market, and manage risk. For internal audit to continue to create value for its stakeholders, it needs to stay current on what technology innovations mean to their organization. During this session we will discuss talent and technology strategy that can help your organization address the evolving risk environment.
Quarterly HR Director Round Table Discussion – 17th event
6 Mar
This time we will discuss about the termination of a labor contract. Discussion points are as follow.
We hope to see you at the events.
Quarterly HR Director Round Table Discussion – 16th event
2 Nov
This time we will discuss Mandatory insurance contributions in Vietnam. The discussion points are:
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Finance for Non-Financial Professionals
28 - 29 Sep
This two-day workshop is aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of key financial topics and issues in participants, in order to enhance your ability of using the financial information to make better short and long term decisions. The workshop will be facilitated by top Finance Consulting experts at PwC Vietnam.
Draft Decree Amending Decree 37 on Trade Promotion - Potential Implications
23 Aug
The government issued a draft decree amending decree 37 on trade promotion. The changes proposed by the draft decree are diverse: with potentially positive, but also challenging elements that can impact business operations in certain sectors such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco, FMCG, among other. In this tax briefing, we will discuss the key proposed changes and potential impacts on businesses.
Quarterly HR Director Round Table Discussion – 15th event
18 Jul
In our 15th HR Director Round Table Discussion, we will discuss Corporate Branding and its benefits for business growth.
CIO Roundtable on cybersecurity and insurance
22 Jun
Our Cyber Security and Privacy Lead, Robert Trong Tran will lead a CIO Roundtable Discussion with the attendance of guests from Bao Minh Insurance Corporation, Vietnam USA Society English Centers (VUS) and Dragon Capital. The discussion will focus on two sectors: sharing their realistic cyber security issues and proposing future plans.
Tax workshop on the new pharma decree
8 Jun
Our Tax and Legal team will organise a workshop to share knowledge about the new pharma decree (Decree 54) which was issued on 8 May and will be effective from 1 July 2017. The Decree will affect foreign invested enterprises (FIE) with import rights and put restrictions on FIE importers.
PwC's Academy: Finance for Non-Financial Professionals
15-16 May
This two-day workshop is aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of key financial topics and issues in participants, in order to enhance your ability of using the financial information to make better short and long term decisions. The workshop will be facilitated by top Finance Consulting experts at PwC Vietnam.
Quarterly Human Resource Director Roundtable Discussion (14th event)
11 May
The objective of the event is to promote sharing and learning across industries. This time we will discuss about the challenges of PIT inspection and how to manage it effectively. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Internal Audit Transformation Seminar
25 Apr
This workshop is hosted by Wolters Kluwer (TeamMate) where our PwC Vietnam experts, IT Risk Assurance Director - Nguyen My Hanh, Senior Manager - Nguyen Tien Thanh and Nguyen Thanh Hai, will be guest speakers. The seminar will introduce the in-depth knowledge, updated technology and process based on best practice for Internal Audit activities in the digital disruption era.
Cybersecurity – Confidence in your digital future
29 Mar
Cybersecurity is important for companies of all sizes. Small companies are just as at risk for cyberattacks as larger ones, and should be prepared for a breach at all times. This workshop, co-organised by PwC Vietnam and Amcham Vietnam will explain why businesses can easily a target for hackers and provide best practices for your business.
PwC's Academy: Fraud Risk Management Workshop
4 Apr
Did you know at least 1 out of 3 (36%) companies experienced some type of economic crime according to PwC Global Crime Survey in 2016? Join our one day workshop that equips you with necessary knowledge to understand, prevent, and detect frauds. This course will be delivered in Vietnamese.
PwC's Academy: Effective Internal Audit Planning for Banks in Vietnam Workshop
7 Mar
With PwC’s expertise in internal audit and training experience for banks, we will bring you hands on knowledge to apply in your development of risk based annual internal audit plan to meet with key stakeholders’ expectations and in line with corporate’s objectives. This is a participative one-day course that will include face to face training, workshop sessions and exercises.
Quarterly Human Resource Director Roundtable Discussion (13th event)
9 Feb
Join us for a morning discussion where we will discuss recent legislative changes on Personal Income Tax and how employer/employee stays compliant. The discussion will be facilitated by our tax experts. Deadline for registration is 26 January.
Tax and Legal updates: Adapting to changes
14 Dec
There have been various changes in Vietnamese tax, customs, transfer pricing and legal regulations that may have significant impacts on companies having business activities in Vietnam. Accordingly, as part of our "PwC - Your Knowledge Partner series", PwC Vietnam will hold a series of seminars where our experts will be presenting recent changes in tax, customs, transfer pricing and legal regulations and also share our practical experience in dealing with tax, customs and transfer pricing audits. Specially, our experts will discuss in detail with you on your concerns related to tax, customs, transfer pricing and legal issues. We would be pleased to invite you to our seminars series to be organised in various provinces in northern Vietnam, including Hanoi, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Bac Ninh, Ha Nam this December. |
Customs update (December 2017)
11 Dec & 12 Dec
Recently, the Ministry of Finance has released a draft Circular amending and supplementing Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC on customs procedures, customs supervision and administration. Accordingly, PwC Vietnam will hold a series of sharing sessions to introduce several changes in customs regulations relevant to manufacturing and trading companies as well as sharing our practical experience during customs audit. We are pleased to invite you to our sharing sessions to be organised in Hanoi and Hai Phong this December.
PwC's Academy: Finance for Non-Financial Professionals
18-19 May
This two-day workshop is aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of key financial topics and issues in participants, in order to enhance your ability of using the financial information to make better short and long term decisions. The workshop will be facilitated by top Finance Consulting experts at PwC Vietnam.
PwC's Academy: Effective Internal Audit Planning for Banks in Vietnam Workshop
7 Mar
With PwC’s expertise in internal audit and training experience for banks, we will bring you hands on knowledge to apply in your development of risk based annual internal audit plan to meet with key stakeholders’ expectations and in line with corporate’s objectives. This is a participative one-day course that will include face to face training, workshop sessions and exercises.
Tax and Legal updates: Adapting to changes
15 Dec in Hai Duong 18 Dec in Hung Yen 19 Dec in Bac Ninh 20 Dec in Ha Nam |
There have been various changes in Vietnamese tax, customs, transfer pricing and legal regulations that may have significant impacts on companies having business activities in Vietnam. Accordingly, as part of our "PwC - Your Knowledge Partner series", PwC Vietnam will hold a series of seminars where our experts will be presenting recent changes in tax, customs, transfer pricing and legal regulations and also share our practical experience in dealing with tax, customs and transfer pricing audits. Specially, our experts will discuss in detail with you on your concerns related to tax, customs, transfer pricing and legal issues. We would be pleased to invite you to our seminars series to be organised in various provinces in northern Vietnam, including Hanoi, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Bac Ninh, Ha Nam this December.
Customs update (December 2017)
13 Dec in Hai Phong
Recently, the Ministry of Finance has released a draft Circular amending and supplementing Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC on customs procedures, customs supervision and administration. Accordingly, PwC Vietnam will hold a series of sharing sessions to introduce several changes in customs regulations relevant to manufacturing and trading companies as well as sharing our practical experience during customs audit. We are pleased to invite you to our sharing sessions to be organised in Hanoi and Hai Phong this December.