Japanese Regulations on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Authors: Tomohiro Kandori, Attorney-at-Law
Makoto Hibi, Attorney-at-Law
Hidenori Shibata, Attorney-at-Law

May 2022

In recent years, the exploitation of digital assets using blockchain technology has been rapidly expanding. Among these blockchain-based digital assets, NFTs have the ‘unique’ feature, and have therefore enjoyed an increasingly strong market presence. Various types of NTFs, such as those related to digital arts, athletes, musicians and intellectual property (IP), have been put into practical use in Japan.
In this Newsletter, we provide an outline of the current regulations on NFTs in Japan.

  1. Overview
  2. Interests in collective investment schemes
  3. Crypto-assets
  4. Exchange transactions
  5. Prepaid payment instruments
  6. Gambling

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