Asuka Kino

Asuka Kino

Director, PwC Tax Japan


Asuka Kino is a director on the Tax Reporting and Strategy team of PwC Tax Japan.

Asuka has over fifteen years’ experience in tax practice within the PwC global network. She joined PwC Tax Japan in 2007, working on a broad range of tax services for both inbound and outbound clients, including corporate tax compliance, international taxation, M&A tax structuring and tax due diligence, as well as tax advice related to cross-border transactions for corporations in a wide range of industries. 

She worked at PwC US’s New York office for two years beginning in January 2015, providing US tax advice for Japanese clients doing business in the US.

Asuka has been working on projects related to the digitisation of books and tax related documents under Japan’s e-Storage Act, as well as tax transparency projects from an ESG and sustainability perspective.

She is a Certified Public Tax Accountant in Japan.

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