HR organisation and functions

Developing an HR function that spurs future growth

Mindful of the challenge skills shortages pose to business growth, organisations seek to invest in employees they regard as the most valuable for achieving their business objectives. Business leaders often find it difficult to engage and manage talent in the interest of business growth, and HR seems unable to convince them of the importance of meeting this challenge. On the other hand, some business leaders believe that HR is unprepared for a radical change, and want to revise their human strategy and reassess the efficiency of the HR function.


How we can help

  • Reorganising the HR function, redesigning roles and procedures to tackle new business challenges
  • Establishing and reviewing HR BP systems
  • Design and implementation of HR systems (performance management, career management, talent management, …)
  • Advising on outsourcing HR processes, setting up an HR services centre

Contact us

Reguly Márta

Reguly Márta

Leader of People and Organisation, PwC Hungary

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