Our approach

Our approach

Through corporate responsibility we address social, environmental and economic problems by implementing our values and culture, taking crucial decisions and acting responsibly and transparently, thereby reinforcing good practice in our company and, creating a healthy and responsible environment for our staff, businesses and the community.

We use four principles for implementing our corporate responsibility strategy in Latvia and globally.

We represent an ethical and transparent business practice on the Latvian market and help other companies boost their competitiveness. We facilitate a dialogue between the private and the public sector, and create development opportunities and ways of sharing experience. In addition to complying with professional and statutory standards, PwC has devised a special code of conduct that governs our day-to-day business. This code rests on our three core values – excellence, teamwork and leadership, and on our four experience behaviours – putting ourselves in each other’s shoes, sharing and collaborating, investing in relationships, and enhancing value through quality.

  • We are aware of our role and responsibility in advising other companies; our advice must be meaningful, top quality and capable of creating long-term.
  • Our business is ethical, fair and trustworthy.
  • We have to create services that help our client businesses become more transparent and more responsible in the long term.
  • We support the global reporting initiative in working with our clients, vendors and other organisations.

Every day we work with people coming from a variety of cultures, cities and countries. Each of us has a unique combination of knowledge and experience that we bring with us and contribute to our day-to-day business. Diversity is a key aspect of PwC that helps us provide innovative solutions relevant to our clients, the community, and the country. Gender diversity has been one of PwC’s global priorities since 2006. We work with our people to enhance a diversity of opinion that reaches beyond visible differences such as age, gender and race.


  • We encourage our staff to be themselves and be open-minded because talent has no age, gender or physical restrictions (physical or mental handicaps)
  • We believe that different is better. We support individuality and encourage collaboration between people with diverse skills, personalities and views
  • We create career opportunities. Our global mobility programme promotes not only the provision of top quality services but also gives an insight into other cultures, as well as providing an international perspective and opportunities for all members of PwC staff
  • We create leaders. We are committed to developing our present and future leaders through training, coaching and hands-on experience
  • We create a better working environment for our staff. This includes following PwC’s code of ethics, which helps us in our day-to-day business and ensures the long-standing trust of clients.

When contributing to the community, we focus on the application of our skills and expertise in working with others and creating significant changes to improve our welfare. Our long-standing collaboration and support includes taking care of children’s health and education, helping young people integrate into the community and the labour market, sharing knowledge, and educating and advising new entrepreneurs. We also appreciate the knowledge and experience of the elderly and make our premises available as a forum for debate between old-age pensioners and young people. By supporting all generations we are responsible for the community and feel happy with a contribution that creates a better and more intelligent society.

  • We encourage our staff to choose their favourite social activities, and we pay for an agreed number of hours of voluntary work.
  • We work with organisations, offering our skills and expertise as well as providing them with financial support
  • We engage the community in a dialogue on topical issues
  • We willingly share experience with other businesses on socially responsible issues
  • We buy goods and services from local vendors
  • We are proud of the Family Friendly Trader award from the Ministry of Welfare.

Many PwC firms are making a serious effort to reduce the consumption of resources not only in their day-to-day business but also by employees at home. We are among the PwC companies globally, including CEE, that measured their carbon footprint inthe year 2013, and we achieved a 5% reduction within three years. Every day we save energy and consume water and paper responsibly. Each autumn we are planting trees to minimise the adverse effect of paper consumption on forest coverage.. Each year we take part in Earth Hour by switching off the PwC logo lighting on the front of our office building at 21 Kr. Valdemara iela.

  • In collaboration with the United Nations and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, PwC develops new methods for measuring the economic value of the global ecosystem to apply these principles when taking business decisions
  • We help create analytical tools designed for investors, for example, by advising on the Carbon Disclosure project over a period of five years, to help investors achieve their aims and provide them with a unique, global vision of how the world’s major companies respond to climate change
  • PwC has published a report summarising information on CEE100 companies, their emissions and contribution to the greenhouse effect
  • Each of our firms takes steps that help cut down our carbon footprint by choosing environmentally friendly means of transport and undertaking other activities.

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