Skills Expander

Tackling the challenges of upskilling and job transformation

Skills Expander is a workforce development digital platform that supports businesses across their entire reskilling value chain. Powered by a highly sophisticated data analytics engine, Skills Expander helps to integrate the workforce development process from job matching to assessment and skills training.

What Skills Expander can help with:

  • Workforce planning
  • Skills assessment
  • Skills and training matching

Through its data analytics capabilities, the Skills Expander digests various job descriptions and CVs, breaking them down to create an inventory of currently available skills and new skills required. The tool does not just base itself on keyword search matching; instead, it infers meaning and also draws information from existing skill frameworks of the organisation, sector or a specific industry best-practice, before contextualising results to the reality of the local job market.

Our value proposition - a six-step solution

Analyse & define the upskilling initiative - Engage the ecosystem

Objective: Define the upskilling strategy and, with it, the relevant execution plans and resources.

Approach: The design thinking methodology allows stakeholders to conceptualise, co-create and prototype new products, services, strategies and business models and to prepare the best suited upskilling initiative.

Outcome: A precise scope, a defined budget, a defined implementation and execution strategy and a stakeholder engagement plan.

Define your future workforce taking into account the impact of digitalisation and automation.

Objective: Analyse your organisation’s future workforce needs and align them with your digital strategy and vision of the business development in the upcoming years.

Approach: By using our toolbox (workforce planning) and analysing the organization’s employee data, we will be able to share insights on the risk of automation of your most impacted roles and departments. We will also be able to identify transformation opportunities for the workforce.


  • - Identification of the impacted departments and the number of impacted employees
  • - Definition of job corridors for the most impacted roles taking into account skills proximity, salary proximity and lower risk of automation

Assess current competencies

Assess current competencies of impacted employees, supported by a personal advisor and AI-powered evaluation.

Objective: Understand the full potential of each employee and prepare a successful job matching and identification of a potential skills gap.

Approach: Certified personal advisors will coach participating employees throughout the upskilling process. Together with the personal advisors as well as our upskilling toolbox, the current skills of each employee will be assessed and documented. The advisors will receive the transversal, professional and digital skills assessment results, which will be debriefed in a face-to-face meeting with the participating employees.

Outcome: Strengths of the employee will be emphasised and act as a base for career or job transformation plan identified with coach. The organisation will receive regular reports. Due to confidentiality, the organisation will not receive access to the questionnaire reports.

Match jobs and trainings to engage workers

Find the best possible job and training match for the impacted employees, either internally or externally. Accompanied Job & training matching and job-suggestion tools taking into account vacancies and the skills gap towards new job

Objective: Find the right future job for the participating employees - this job can be an internal job or an external job according to the scenario. The employee will build a job transition scenario with his personal advisor confidentially.

Approach: Our toolbox provides job matching opportunities for real-time vacant positions (either internal or external). The tool is fed with vacancies either from job boards, career websites or data from the unemployment agency. The CV and skills assessment of the employee is uploaded in the tool. The job matching shows the employee’s profile and improvement potential, the potential real-time job opportunities and the skills gap. Moreover, the tool can show up the best fitting trainings to cover the skills gap.

Outcome: Personalised job matching and individual skills development plan for each participating employee.

Train the new competencies

Train the new competencies to be best prepared for the new challenge: Definition of technical, transversal and digital training needs and elaboration of a training plan for each employee

Objective: Organise and follow-up on the trainings of the employees; provide e-learnings and training content via the platform.

Approach: Our toolbox can provide the organisation with a learning management system, which allows to follow the progress of each employee and see future and past upskilling trainings. The toolbox can also integrate existing training platforms - internal or external to the organisation.

Outcome: The employee will have an overview of his/her progress and trainings, he/she can evaluate the trainings and take e-learning classes. The personal advisor can also see the progress of each employee to catch up and motivate when progress drops down.

Monitor, evaluate & improve policy

Objective: The Skills Expander fosters a strong and regular collaboration between stakeholders and relevant functions.

Approach: Communication is key in a transformation project, which impacts and changes the workforce. We therefore provide the organisation with

  • - Communication guidelines for internal and external communication of the project and impacts
  • - A collaborative solutions platform to exchange data and information securely with the stakeholders

Outcome: By integrating the end-to-end solution and continuously monitoring it, a streamlined programme administration will be installed. We also recommend regular monitoring, evaluation and detection of transversal improvement areas.

Contact us

Martijn Schouten

Workforce Transformation Leader, PwC South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9667 4961

Parul Munshi

Workforce Transformation and Regional Sustainability Consulting Leader, South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9660 5011

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