Delivering quality work is core to everything we do. Quality at PwC is about much more than complying with standards, policies and regulations, it’s about being recognised by stakeholders for delivering quality services and keeping the commitments we’ve made. It is the bedrock of building trust in society and delivering sustained outcomes.
Quality outcomes require the right culture, tone from the top, and our comprehensive System of Quality Management. When we don’t meet our quality standards, we learn from it, hold ourselves accountable, and work to get better. We constantly look for ways to enhance the quality of our work while meeting and seeking to exceed the expectations of our stakeholders.
We’re pleased to present our Transparency Report for 2022, which shows how we maintain quality in our audit work and comply with the requirements of the new Thai Standard on Quality Management (TSQM) 1. The report describes our policies, systems and processes for ensuring quality, the results of key quality monitoring programmes and reviews, and the way we foster a culture of quality at every level of the firm.
We hope that this Transparency Report represents our continuous commitment to provide more information to our key stakeholders and the public and demonstrates our efforts on the quality agenda.