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Entertainment & Media Outlook in Italy 2024-2028

Entertainment and Media Outlook
  • Publication
  • ottobre 23, 2024

Resilience and Evolution in Italy’s Entertainment & Media Industry

Italy’s Entertainment and Media (E&M) industry is showing resilience against a backdrop of global macroeconomic instability, with a strong growth outlook, even higher than the country’s economy as a whole. This can be achieved thanks to a solid mix of both segments that greatly benefit from traditional in-person engagement, such as Music and Cinema, and segments that are mostly driven by technological advancements, like Online gambling and the advertising ones.

Entertainment & Media Outlook Segments

Cinema / Music, radio and podcasts / Video / Online gambling / Magazine publishing / Newspaper publishing / Books / Business-to-Business (B2B) / Out‑of‑Home advertising (OOH) / Internet advertising / Video games and esports / Generative AI / VR, AR and the Metaverse / Telecommunications

4 “pills” to thrive in today’s and tomorrow’s E&M industry

Continue to evolve your business model to stay relevant in the market

Embrace technological advancements and transformations that come along

Consolidate the value of your business through your assets and corporate transactions

Promote the spread of trusted contents for a positive impact on society


E&M total revenue in 2028


23-28 CAGR for E&M total revenue in 2028


E&M total revenue in 2023


YoY growth from 2022


YoY growth from 2022 for Consumer spending


YoY growth from 2022 for Advertising revenues


Digital share of E&M revenues in 2023


23-28 CAGR for Online gambling as the fastest growing segment

Revenues per E&M segment (CAGR%), 2023-2028

Telecommunications revenue includes revenues from Fixed and Mobile Service
Revenue from Generative AI is yet to be included in the report

EMOI 2024-2028

Request access to the report to find out more about the future of the Italian E&M industry.


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Maria Teresa Capobianco

Maria Teresa Capobianco

Partner | Advisory e Technology, Media and Telecom Leader, PwC Italy

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