Disputes and Litigation Support

We help protect your organization by pre-empting and avoiding disputes, as well as helping to investigate, assess and prepare for commercial and treaty-based claims if they do happen. We have a wide range of experience, from giving strategy advice to providing expert-witness testimony. We work on local and international disputes.

Commercial Disputes

Most businesses will face a dispute situation at some point – whether it is a dispute with a supplier, a customer, a regulator, or a whole range of related issues. We can assist you throughout the process, whether in an informal forum or in litigation, mediation or arbitration. We help clients at any stage of a dispute, for example, by providing independent advice to those initiating a dispute, by investigating and analyzing evidence related to the dispute, providing expert witness reports or advising on dispute resolution.


International Arbitration

Our experienced international arbitration team provides accounting, financial and economic consulting, as well as expert witness services, to parties in arbitration proceedings involving complex business disputes. We can help both clients and their legal advisors to investigate and understand the financial, economic and business consequences of a dispute, including breach of contract, acquisition disputes and claims under investment treaties.


Construction Claims

Construction projects are inherently complex and idiosyncratic. Challenges include overly complex amendments, changes to the intended scope and other issues that can carry significant reputational, contractual, financial and commercial risks. The success of a construction contract largely depends on the ability to manage the interrelationships and obligations among the parties. We conduct audits and analysis of contractual claims on behalf of clients (both contractor and employer). This involves a balanced review of the basic claim fundamentals in order to identify and check.


Services we offer:

  • Early case assessment and development of the strategy.
  • Collection and preservation of evidence.
  • Valuation and quantification of damages, lost profits or opportunities.
  • Preparation of detailed economic and market analysis.
  • Investigation of accounting and tax issues relating to claims.
  • Provision of expert reports and testimony under the rules of major dispute resolution institutions including the ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, LCIA, DIAC, AAA and SCC.
  • Comments on opposing expert reports.
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