Community engagement

Contributing to sustainable, enterprising economies

Having a purpose – to build trust in society and solve important problems – is both a powerful message and a considerable challenge. Through leveraging our people's skills and experience we want to help create sustainable enterprising economies in the places where we operate.

We do this through investing in education and capacity building of startups, social enterprises and the NGO sector.


Our people voluntarily take part in community support and humanitarian activities that we organise together with selected NGOs. Within our volunteerism framework, we focus on the following activities, to name a few:


Social entrepreneur

Many startups have the potential to become growing businesses and contributors to the Greek society and the economy. We at PwC Greece are on their side.

•     We provide pro bono services to incubators and startups

•     We organise seminars and professional training at incubators

•     We actively support social startups

•     Our people act as startups volunteer mentors

We organised a "One for One Speed Dating" event, where we met NGOs and social enterprises. Our volunteers were matched with an NGO or social enterprise according to their skills, and will share these skills to help cover the respective needs as part of our new 'One for One' initiative.

Also we mentor and support social start-ups, such as Bloode that created the first online platform to promote and systematise the process of blood donation in Greece. Find more about the blood donations that Bloode organises for people in need with our support.

Some of the organisations, incubators and start-ups that we help are AFI (Action Finance Initiative). We have dedicated full-time volunteers that provide "in-house support" to AFI and its micro and social enterprises. 

We are strong supporters of the Panorama of Entrepreneurship & Career Development. Our people provide skills-based volunteering and we take part in the Business Days. 


We aim to create strong links between education and business to fight unemployment. During the past 16 years, we offered over 170 scholarships for post graduate studies.

Since 2009, we participate in the scholarships programme of the University of Piraeus, Department of Banking and Financial Management; and since 2011, in the scholarships programme of the Fulbright Foundation.

We are a corporate partner and supporter of AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-driven organisation. PwC and AIESEC have partnered globally since 1973, making this AIESEC’s longest standing partnership.

We participate in career fairs and we maintain close communication with universities’ career centres all over Greece.

We offer internships to students enabling them to gain work experience and acquire business skills by working together with our professionals.

Contact us

Vivian Ino Tsamadou

Senior Manager, PwC Greece

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