Risk & Regulatory in Central and Eastern Europe

Let's change the way we see risk. Risk isn't about responding to change. It's about changing the way we see. Shifting our perspective. Considering different angles. To anticipate, be agile and build resilience.

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Today businesses in Central and Eastern Europe are confronted with a huge range of challenges. According to our recently published 26th Annual Global CEO Survey, business leaders in the CEE region rank inflation (cited by 55%), geopolitical conflict (43%) and macroeconomic volatility (37%) as the top threats in the next 12 months. Cyber is fourth on the threats lists and it's the top operational risk, remaining firmly on board agendas. While any of these quite diverse risks can cause significant impacts alone, it is their degree of interconnectedness that has caused far-reaching implications.

In a volatile and uncertain world, businesses need to change how they not only see risk but also opportunity.

At PwC, we help our clients enable change and navigate uncertain times by creating a panoramic view of the unique risk landscape. We bring together experience across risk management, regulation, tax, controls, cyber security, forensics, compliance and more to help you navigate one - or all - of the phases you could encounter throughout the risk lifecycle.

“Managing risk isn't just about responding to change. It's about changing the way we see it. Any of today’s risk issues can have a significant impact on your business. Effectively identifying risks, we can predict the opportunities they can create.

Strong risk and regulatory capabilities make the difference between those businesses that thrive and those that fight to survive. That’s why we bring together a diverse community of solvers within Eurasia, who work to create a panoramic view of risk, effectively identifying them. We actively work to make sense of data from multiple sources, internal and external, to capture meaningful risk data and to form actionable, real-time risk intelligence.

Let’s change the way we see risk. Cause risk is a driver.”

Salavat Kalibekov, PwC Eurasia BAS Leader

We bring together teams of experts that include PwC professionals, tech alliance partners, third-party data owners and clients. We actively work with you to make sense of data from multiple sources, internal and external, to identify meaningful risk signals and to form actionable, real-time risk intelligence. In doing so, we help you become more agile and resilient, better able to anticipate threats and take advantage of opportunity. Helping you to build trust and deliver sustained outcomes. 

A community of solvers. Identifying real-time signals. Creating a panoramic view of your unique risk landscape. Let’s change how we see risk. 

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How CEE Risk & Regulatory team can help create a panoramic view of your unique risk landscape

Bringing diverse thinkers together

Risk is a team sport. Organisations are facing an increasingly complex risk environment that requires a diverse range of internal and external experts, technology alliance partners, third party data owners and industry specialists to work together to provide a panoramic view of their unique risk landscape. 

Mining actionable intelligence from data

Data science is increasingly used to help identify meaningful risk data and create actionable, real-time risk intelligence. Our team will help leverage data to identify patterns, detect warning signals, and help lessen the impact of risk events.

Anticipating risk and act with confidence

Technology embedded in many areas of the business can act as sensors and supply real-time data to guide future activities. We will help your organisation apply techniques and tools which can help you anticipate risk and respond with agility.

Managing risks with reliability and efficiency

Using integrated risk and compliance systems enables higher reliability, efficiency and better decision making. We will help your organisation put highly reliable systems in place to deliver the outcomes needed.

PwC is focused on helping organisations in CEE thrive in change - not only by helping to manage their compliance requirements but also helping them stay ahead of risk and regulatory changes and navigating the course forward in times of upheaval.

Our Risk & Regulatory capabilities

Governance, Risk and Compliance

Today’s business and risk landscape presents both great challenges and opportunities. It’s time to rethink governance, risk management and compliance: new business models, digital transformation and technology have become a fact of life for our clients, as have far-reaching regulations and significant investment in the future. 

We’re here to help you identify now what effect these developments will have on your company in the future. Our professionals in CEE combine deep cross-functional expertise and leading technologies to improve visibility into risks, respond with agility and drive greater preparedness for the future.

We bring together specialist disciplines and commercial expertise to give you the insight, foresight and independent advice you need to build and safeguard the value of all parts of your business. We’ll transform the way you perceive - and navigate - risks, so you can stay at the forefront of change.

Connected Compliance

One Team. One Platform. One Approach.

Tax teams are being asked to do more with less. Do more tax returns, deliver more tax reporting, get more insights from data and manage more regulatory change — all while the competition for talent increases and costs are rising exponentially. When it comes to compliance, now is the time to do something differently to meet your needs today, while future-proofing compliance for tomorrow. 

PwC reimagined what best-in-class compliance and reporting looks like, fully integrating and automating the compliance process across taxes and territories. This connected compliance approach increases efficiency and reduces cost by automating up to 80% of the compliance process, freeing tax teams up to deliver value to the business.


Cyberattacks on companies are becoming more frequent and more sophisticated – so it’s high time to build up your defenses. 

According to the CEE results for the 26th Annual Global CEO Survey, cyber risks rank fourth on the short-term threats list and business leaders consider them the top operational risks. The picture changes for their five-year outlook. Over that timeframe, cyber risks join inflation, macroeconomic volatility, and geopolitical conflict in the top tier of risk exposure. This suggests that there is a clear first-mover advantage for leaders who are able to prioritise investments in cybersecurity today, stealing a march on their competitors. And your best option is to engage with a reliable partner that can follow your train of thought on cybersecurity, implement the solutions you need and provide support throughout the process – from strategy through to implementation.

Financial Crime Managed Services

Financial Crime is an ever-increasing blight on social cohesion and financial stability globally. Mitigating it is a challenge for all participants: law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, governments, and regulators globally; it is too big for any single participant to take on, everyone has a role to play. As gatekeepers, financial institutions have a key role in blocking criminal access to the financial system. However, the pace of criminal ingenuity, primarily led by technological advances, places an ever-increasing burden on them to evolve at pace to keep up. As a trusted partner, PwC supports clients to rapidly develop high quality and cost-effective operating models and tools that identify and mitigate financial crime risk as it evolves.

Enterprise Technology Risk Solutions

Digital transformation creates the need for a risk transformation, as new and amplified risks emerge in its wake. PwC helps organizations better leverage their enterprise technologies and data to drive a higher return on investment and improve risk management, while streamlining processes and finding new opportunities at the crossroads of enterprise systems interaction.

We provide leading-edge systems, software, data analytics, automation and controls expertise that help you tackle risk mitigation, incorporate streamlined processes and discover new cross-platform opportunities. With actionable insights and a comprehensive view of risks, organizations can build confidence and trust in the business at scale.


Emerge stronger from disruption. Powered by technology-driven forensic intelligence and analytics, we help you build resilient strategies to protect value, build trust and create opportunities for your business to emerge stronger.

The best way to help avoid fraud or a non-compliance issue is to stop it before it can take root. The right solution is a combination of quantitative, qualitative, geographic and industry expertise. Technology and analytics can help with identification, risk monitoring and detection. We support you in the process. If things go wrong, we can also provide you with expert support in all stages of any legal claims.

Our objective is to be flexible, fit the client’s needs and provide a data & technology-driven one-stop shop to support our clients in respect of corporate and regulatory investigations. Access to our bespoke forensic technology and data analytical tools allows the clients to efficiently review their cases and secure evidence from a variety of sources.

In case a company investigates a suspicion or allegation, we can support them throughout the whole investigation cycle regardless of whether the investigation was triggered by a whistleblowing report or red flags and risks relating to bribery, corruption or misrepresentations identified in your company. The level of support depends on the client’s needs. 

Data Regulation

In 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation came into force, revolutionising the way that personal data is used and handled. Controllers and processors of personal data need to adhere to the regulation in order to be compliant. PwC can help.

Legal Regulation

Connect what matters. Anticipate what’s next. At CEE, we bring our connected expertise across legal insight, business understanding and technological innovation to bridge all aspects of your business — so you can grow and protect it, today and tomorrow. In an environment where regulations are permanently changing and evolving, strong legal advice helps you deal with uncertainty and complexity.

Climate and ESG reporting services

Navigate regulatory complexity and harness value from environmental, social and governance information

Leading organisations worldwide and, in particular, in CEE  are stepping up to address some of the most important environmental, social and governance ("ESG") issues facing the world.

Esg and climate response

Given the significance of ESG information, your organisation can benefit from transparency around your ambitions.  Insightful, holistic and trusted reporting can demonstrate how you are harnessing ESG opportunity and managing ESG risk by using measures to protect and create value for the enterprise, its stakeholders and for society. 

An effective identification, assessment and management of ESG risks and opportunities are fundamental to creating value and becoming successful in the transition to a sustainable economy. We help companies avoid ESG risks whilst capturing ESG opportunities. 

Our experts can help you improve the data, systems and governance to continue the move towards globally aligned and interoperable reporting and assurance standards.

PwC Eurasia Legal Newsletters

Today the vast majority of companies' revenues are dependent on regulation or focused on risks. Therefore, a successful business is forced to think not only about constant growth and expansion, but above all about protecting their income.

PwC Legal provides a broad range of legal services in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Mongolia and Uzbekistan, which are complementary to our Assurance, Advisory and Tax practices.

Our clients, especially multinationals, try to remain flexible and keep abreast of new legislation and its latest changes. This is largely due to the fact that some countries are still at the stage of recovery and transformation after the pandemic and geopolitical changes.

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Contact us

Mikołaj Woźniak

Mikołaj Woźniak

CEE Risk & Regulatory Leader, Partner, PwC Poland

Tel: Tel: +48 22 746 7449

Salavat  Kalibekov

Salavat Kalibekov

Partner, Risk assurance services, PwC Kazakhstan

Tel: +7 717 255 0707

Еркебулан Рахменов

Yerkebulan Rakhmenov

Director, Legal Services, PwC Kazakhstan

Tel: +7 701 113 6777

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