
A son looks up to his father, not only for his profession, but also because of his example

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I took this photo a few days before I started my final year in college. I rode with my father, the jeepney driver, to Lawton. From there, I would ride a bus going to Cavite. My father looked up to ask a passenger where he was going. At that very moment, I thought to myself:

“Pa, I already know where I’m going. I’ll do my very best to graduate and become a CPA so I could help you in providing the needs of our family. I feel elated that all your hard work will soon come to fruition. I will never let you down. You are the man I look up to. I couldn’t thank you enough.”

By Leonardo T. Saldivar Jr., BS Accountancy, Lyceum of the Philippines University - Cavite

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Alexander B. Cabrera

Chairman Emeritus, PwC Philippines

Tel: +63 (2) 8845 2728

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Tel: +63 (2) 8459 2023

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Tel: +63 (2) 8845 2728