Transparency Report 2018

Welcome to our Transparency Report 2018 of PricewaterhouseCoopers S.A.

In this report we present our assurance activities for the financial year 2018 (period 1/7/2017 to 30/06/2018) and insight into our vision of the future of our assurance business. 

We publish this report as a requirement to Regulation (EU) 537/2014, but most importantly as part of our commitment to providing transparent and meaningful information about our assurance services. 

Delivering audits of the highest quality is core to our purpose. This commitment to quality is core to our strategy, the focus of which is to strengthen trust and transparency in our clients, the capital markets and wider society. 

Explore our Transparency Report of 2018 to find out how we drive change and build trust through investment in our people, technologies and processes in a rapidly changing world.


Contact us

Dimitris Sourbis

Managing Director, Assurance, PwC Greece

Maria Marosi

Manager, PwC Greece

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