Believe in yourself says Leighton McKnight to Ardenne High school leavers

Kingston, Jamaica, 9 May 2018 –“Believe in yourself and always aim for the highest,” this was the message from Leighton McKnight, Territory Leader, PwC to students at the Ardenne High School’s grade 13 school leaving ceremony recently (May 2, 2018).  Leighton was the guest speaker at the event to mark the completion of high school for students sitting CAPE exams.

In his usual inspirational style, Leighton challenged the students to pursue more than just academics and to work to develop soft skills, which are key to succeeding in the work place.  He also shared with the students three things that it takes to succeed, that is, being clear on what you like to do, what you can do and what can give you the lifestyle you desire. 

Leighton McKnight, Nadine Malloy, and Jacqueline Pinto
(L-R) Leighton McKnight, Territory Leader, PwC  has the rapt attention of Nadine Molloy, Principal, Ardenne High School (R) and Jacqueline Pinto, Vice Principal, upper school. He was the guest speaker at the School’s grade 13 school leaving ceremony held recently.
(L-R) Nadine Malloy, Leighton McKnight, and Lori-Ann Grossett
(L-R) Nadine Molloy, Principal, Ardenne High School, Leighton McKnight, Territory Leader, PwC and Lori-Ann Grossett outgoing head girl share lens time at the school’s grade 13 school leaving ceremony held recently.

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