Greek real estate taxation: a brief summary

April 2019

In Greece real estate property has always constituted a key source of taxation. This trend has increased the last few years under the pressure of the fiscal austerity program and the urgent need to boost the country’s fiscal revenues. 

The following report aims to summarise the key taxes applicable and the main tax considerations arising from the acquisition, ownership and exploitation, as well as disposal of real estate property in Greece, with emphasis on investment property, in the broadest possible sense.

It is noteworthy, however, that one of the key characteristics of Greek real estate taxation is that tax rules are in many instances similar both for small private residential ownerships, and for large investment projects. However, this report is mainly focused on investment-type properties, typically held by corporate vehicles, and aims to highlight the key relevant tax areas.

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Vassilios Vizas

Vassilios Vizas

Partner, Leader of Tax & Legal Services, PwC Greece

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