Digital Government

Digital government helps to transform government services to be more user-friendly, transparent, efficient and based on data by using digital technology.

People are expecting any e-service they use to be quick, easy and secure.

Private sector has long understood this, because they go where the client goes. But public sectors across the world have lagged behind. Public e-services still follow the mentality “you come and find us” or “you have to know which online form you have to fill out”. But there is no need for this. What kind of data do you already have? Maybe it’s already more than enough to offer your services proactively, as soon as a person needs it? Offering public services proactively and when a life event happens requires many steps from the public sector. You need to know what data you have and if it’s up-to-date. The data needs to be handled and stored securely. Different institutions need to work together and share information, so the dirty work of bureaucracy happens without a person being bothered at all.

Why do we use the term „persons“ or “user” instead of „citizen“? Because when we talk about “citizens”, we only look at how to offer public services only to our passport holders. But in a digital world that is no longer the need. Access to cross border services is becoming more relevant by the day. For example, think of a tourist needing access to prescription drugs while on holiday in another country? Or having an overview of the whole journey when a logistics company driver crosses five borders in order to deliver Amazon packages? Since people move across borders, services need to as well. And when we talk about people, we also mean companies and other private entities. They are run by people too, after all.


What value do we bring?

PwC Estonia has a long partnership with different public institutions in and outside of Estonia helping governments on their journey to improving public services. 

  • We have an in-depth understanding of how to map out what users need and how to build services based on that. 

  • We can also bring together knowledge from other countries and their best practices.

A strong international network

PwC has experience in digital government projects in dozens of countries and therefore we have easy access to talent and ideas from across the world. We can pool those best practices to create the best solutions for you.

Government know-how

We understand the intricacies of the public sector and the responsibility that lies in making public services that are built for the public good.

Strong network of key players in the Estonian digitalisation success story

Our team as themselves played a role in building the Estonian digitalisation success story or has worked closely together with public and private sector actors who continuously create the next solutions for Estonia.

Variety of additional in-house services

Sometimes you need to look at the legal framework of a digital service or implications that may rise from using data. Or you need to look at several areas of the government at the same time. We have specialists who have experience in all areas of the public sector. So you can be sure that we have looked at your problem from all angles and offered a full solution.

A selection of our services

Digital government strategy consulting

Our digital government advisory team has more than 10 years of experience advising public sector institutions on digital innovation and digital government strategy. Our team members have an extensive experience of working in and for the public sector and have been engaged in the strategic planning at the ministry level and led, among other things, the preparation of the Digital Agenda 2030 for Estonia. Therefore, our team is well aware of the needs and plans of the Estonian state are for the development of our digital societies in the next decade. Our team is ready to advise governments on their digitalisation journeys.

Digital government business process analysis and redesign

Our team of process analysts have an extensive knowledge of public sector business processes and experience in re-designing outdated AS-IS processes into futureproof TO-BE processes to meet government's targets of innovation, digitalisation and efficiency. Our team will work side by side with your key experts to map and document the existing processes according to the Business Model and Notation methodology that is a widely used and acknowledged approach in the Estonian public sector. In close collaboration and co-creation with your team, opportunities for process digitalisation will be identified and future processes modelled along with guidelines for implementing the renewed process.

Digital government innovation through service design

To kickstart the government digitalisation journey by designing digital services or you may also call them e-services, our team is ready to start the collaboration and co-creation with your team by using various engaging service design methods. Firstly, our team will gain an understanding of why and to whom this service is important. Then, we will talk to the users to understand their needs, wants and wishes, as well as gather information on the bottlenecks they have experienced using this or similar services previously. Our team will use the users' insights to build the new digital service concept or renew an existing service concept together with an interactive prototype. Through user testing, feedback collection and iterations, the digital service prototype will be improved to meet the needs of users. The new digital service concept will come with guidelines and implementation roadmap.

Our previous success stories

In the future, entrepreneurs will be able to find consolidated information about export-related public services and opportunities in one channel - the state portal

A business analysis of the export information service was completed at the beginning of 2025, and as a result, an initial user interface is expected to be added to the entrepreneur's view on the state portal by the end of 2025.

The main goal of the analysis was to develop a prototype of the export information service that allows entrepreneurs to find consolidated information on export-related public services and access service environments from a central platform (the entrepreneur's view on state portal), where information and service offerings are structured easily and logically. The export information service is necessary because relevant information is fragmented across different institutions and organizations, and entrepreneurs lack a unified overview of all the opportunities for using export-related services.

The analysis involved the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency (EIS), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (VäM), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MKM), AS KredEx Krediidikindlustus, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTK), and Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL), whose services and service arrangements were closely analyzed. A total of 90 export-related services and 16 service providers were mapped during the analysis. Although only the KTK and ITL  were present from professional associations and business organizations, both entrepreneurs and public service providers emphasized the role of such organizations in mediating export-related information and supporting entrepreneurs' export endeavors. Considering this, the actual number of service providers and services might be significantly larger.

The analysis also included the future users of the export information service - companies of different sizes and sectors, which shared their current user experiences regarding the accessibility and use of export-related services and information. Entrepreneurs provided important input for the development and validation of the export information service prototype during workshops and user tests. 

In collaboration with institutions, other involved organizations, and entrepreneurs, an interactive prototype of the export information service (link) was developed, following the style guide. The content of the export information service will be accessible in both authenticated and unauthenticated views in the future.

The export information service highlights the main thematic areas that entrepreneurs encounter most frequently, and through which structured information enables entrepreneurs to find export-related information most effectively. On the export information service page, entrepreneurs will find the following categories, with content available on separate tabs:

  • General Information and Target Markets
  • Finding Contacts
  • Consulting
  • Financial Solutions
  • Regulations

The categories of the export information service

The homepage of the export information service's main view is the general information and target markets section, where both new and experienced exporters can find step-by-step recommendations, important quick links for finding target markets, statistics, export advisors, and more. The homepage also features the world map managed by the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency on, which displays export-related events organized in different countries. A more detailed view can be explored in the export information service prototype.

Steb-by step recommendations for new and experienced exporters

On the tabs of the export information service, entrepreneurs can explore various options: find contacts, delve into consulting services related to export, familiarize themselves with financial solutions, and get acquainted with relevant regulations. For example, on the consulting tab, entrepreneurs will find export-related consulting, legal advice, and necessary guides, databases, and statistics.

Export information service consulting tab

To describe the possibilities for implementing the prototype solution and to develop a more detailed deployment plan, a technical and a legal analysis were conducted. The technical analysis described the realization of the information service, established the initial development plan, analyzed dependencies, interfaces, and conceptualized the information management process from the perspective of institutions and other involved organizations. The legal analysis examined the legal bases associated with creating the export information service, investigating the nature of public services and the obligation to ensure information accessibility. Additionally, necessary legal amendments for implementing the export information service were presented as part of the legal analysis.

More detailed information about the analysis and its outcomes can be found in the final report of the export topic page business analysis (link).

The analysis was completed in close cooperation between PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisors, Gofore Estonia, TGS Baltic Law Firm, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the Information System Authority, and the involved institutions and organizations during the period from September to December 2024.

Case Study: PwC Estonia - Follow-up analysis of the company’s data card on the website

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications requested:
  • To update and redesign an e-service - company data card - on state information portal for entrepreneurs. The minimal viable product of the e-service - company data card - launched in early 2023 and it needed updating. 

  • To include at least 25 entrepreneurs and 15 public sector authorities into the e-service redesign process to use user-centered design approach and build a service that meets the needs of entrepreneurs and takes into account the data that public sector authorities can interface with website

  • The aim of the project was to bring together as much company related data as possible from various state information systems into single window - for entrepreneurs, so that the entrepreneur would be able to get an overview of what data the state has about the company - for example, number of assets in various categories like material assets (buildings, land, cars), biological assets, intellectual property, value of company’s financial assets, etc.

The solution

PwC developed a detailed and updated e-service solution with interactive prototype that resembles the website (including the creation of a description of further IT development tasks) for the company data card which:

  • is intended for entrepreneurs of the website (managed by the Information System Authority of Republic of Estonia). 

  • considers the needs of the target group (i.e., entrepreneurs) - that were identified during several user-centered inclusion workshops where the data-related needs and wants of entrepreneurs were mapped by using creative methods and the UX and UI design of the e-service was further validated with entrepreneurs during the usability testing sessions of the interactive prototype.

  • considers the technological capabilities of the involved public institutions.

The result:
  • A better understanding of what kind of data and how much data entrepreneurs want to access on

  • An interactive prototype that visualises the user journey and the content of updated company data card.

  • An updated company data card e-service solution for entrepreneurs that will be accessible for all Estonian entrepreneurs on website by the end of 2024, when all related and necessary IT developments have been completed.

Case Study: PwC Estonia - Enhancing the efficiency of Estonia’s e-services

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Our role

PwC mapped and analysed the business processes of 20 existing e-services from 9 public sector institutions. Recognising the areas for improvement, new e-services were introduced. 

Setting the scene

Ninety-nine percent of Estonia’s public services are available online. The digital society started investing in IT solutions, beginning with e-Governance, in 1997. Today, citizens can vote online, file their taxes in just 3-5 minutes and the efficiency of security services has increased. 

In 2014, Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications recognised a gap in their services. With no standardised process for developing new e-services, citizens were met with varying qualities of service and redundant, complicated business processes.

How we helped

PwC and partner Trinidad Consulting worked with Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to implement a proof-of-concept pilot project. The project was two-fold: to increase the quality of business processes of the existing services and to plan efficient and user-friendly new services. The Ministry’s priority was to train the officials in charge of the e-services development on service design and IT analysis, helping the State to become a better planner, smarter customer and dependable partner for consultants and IT developers. 

Using an As Is analysis approach, PwC mapped and analysed the business processes of 20 existing e-services from nine public sector institutions. During this stage, Chief Digital Officer Janek Rozov said, “it has become evident that there is no fixed role within institutions that would have the responsibility to administer information about services”. 

Recognising the areas for improvement, new e-services were introduced. The implementation of the new user-centered programs focused on training service owners to evaluate, improve and create more efficient e-services. Participants were trained in modern and freeware tools and methodologies for designing future services. 

Based on their experience, Estonia can offer advice to other governments and institutions. “The coordination role in the development of user friendly services has to be established centrally. Before IT development, an As Is and To Be analysis of the business processes and services has to be done. Supporting regulation has to be in place,” said Mr. Rozov. 

Impact and potential

The project emphasised the need for standardised processes in order to improve efficiency. As a result, services were merged and processes for businesses were streamlined. For example, more than 3,000 companies can now file their data in their company portal, instead of separately inputting it into a government information system. And a building permit can now be obtained via one unique process, as opposed to the former five services. 

The project brought awareness of the similarities across the sector, and allows for more collaboration and less redundancy. There was a presumption that most e-service authorities were experienced in service design and development, but the project proved otherwise. 

Citizens and administration services both benefited from this project. The new implementations save time, money and complication.


Cooperation partners

Our people

Tarmo Meresmaa

Digital Solutions and Alliances Director, PwC Estonia

+372 5819 3443


Kaidi-Kerli Kärner

Digital Government Services Consulting Manager, PwC Estonia

+372 501 7892


Elis Raudkett

Real-Time Economy and Business Analysis Manager, PwC Estonia

+372 5853 9914


Konstantin Jermoshin

Digital Solutions Manager, PwC Estonia

+372 614 1800


Eveli Glinjanski

Service Designer and Business Process Analyst, Senior Consultant, PwC Estonia

+372 5850 4950


Merilin Köörna

Business Analyst, Consultant, PwC Estonia

+372 5354 1772


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