Q&A What is blockchain?

At a very high level, the blockchain is a decentralised ledger, or list, of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. This is the technology underlying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and it has the potential to disrupt a wide variety of business processes.

Using this technology, participants can transfer value across the Internet without the need for a central third party. The buyer and seller interact directly without needing verification by a trusted third-party intermediary. Transactions are not anonymous, but they are pseudonymous: a transaction record is created, but identifying information is encrypted, and no personal information is shared.

Key issues

  • What does blockchain technology really mean for financial institutions?
  • What challenges and opportunities does this technology pose for financial institutions?
  • How is blockchain related to Bitcoin?
  • What is the disruptive potential of blockchain technology?
  • What are some potential applications of blockchain technology?

Contact us

Penelope Kourkafa

Director, Marketing & Communications, PwC Greece

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