The Redefined No of the CFO: For today’s financial leader, decisions are based on strategy, not spreadsheets

The role of the chief financial officer is changing: a CFO can no longer be seen primarily as someone who holds the line on expenses to protect a tight bottom line. Instead, to be truly effective financial leaders, CFOs have to learn to be champions of strategic discipline. “The Redefined No of the CFO”, published by Strategy& and based on interviews from leading CFOs across a range of industries, explores why the word “no” is an essential tool for championing cost discipline and value creation.

It describes five key characteristics that exemplify the strategic CFO, no matter what sector they operate in:

  1. A holistic perspective encompassing the entire value chain
  2. Insight into business drivers (and the ability to communicate that insight to others)
  3. An eye for the right kind of talent
  4. A facility for culture change
  5. The integrity and interpersonal skills needed to pull all of these together

Today’s CFO has a uniquely interconnected role within the firm, with both high-level strategic oversight and direct visibility into everyday execution. CFOs that embrace their changing roles will be well-positioned to be the financial leaders their companies need.

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Penelope Kourkafa

Director, Marketing & Communications, PwC Greece

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