Back to the new normal

It appears that the business community has generally now adapted to the changes in the economy and markets that have occurred over the past five years.

The survey respondents are the most optimistic for revenue and profit growth at any time over the past three years. Expectations of profit growth appear to largely track revenue growth, which could mean that PNG entities have now been through their cost cutting exercises and have optimised and economised where possible.

Now that companies have stabilised themselves and acclimatised themselves to the current conditions, their next step looks to be raising productivity, to do more with the same.

PNG business leaders are also concerned about law and order issues, corruption, lack of quality infrastructure, as well as the availability of foreign currency and key skills. 


Contact us

Jonathan Seeto

Managing Partner, PwC Papua New Guinea

Tel: +675 321 1500 | 305 3100

Peter Burnie

Partner, PwC Papua New Guinea

Tel: +675 321 1500 | 305 3100

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