Tax academy statistics


Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015
1 The program met my expectations and the set objectives 4.22 4.50 4.70
2 The time allocated to each session was adequate 4.00 4.30 4.70
3 The program is relevant to my role and responsibilities 4.33 4.70 4.50
4 The training location and facilities were appropriate for this program 4.13 4.80 4.60
5 The delivery was good and the presenter was able to impact knowledge 4.29 4.80 4.40
6 The program was worth my time and I consider it good value for money 4.31 4.80 4.50
7 I will recommend this program to others 4.31 4.80 4.70
8 Overall, the program was effective 4.27 4.80 4.30
Overall Average 4.24 4.70 4.20

Contact us

Sylva Ifedigbo

Sylva Ifedigbo

Head, Clients and Markets Development, PwC Nigeria

Tel: +2342012711700

Chioma Giwa-Amu

Chioma Giwa-Amu

Senior Manager

Tel: +234 1 271 1700

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