Crisis management: Personal insolvency

For creditors and individuals concerned with personal insolvency issues, PwC provides innovative and practical solutions. Whether acting as a Trustee in Bankruptcy or developing an Individual Voluntary Arrangement, our sensitive approach, specialist experience and leading-edge methods enable creditors to maximise recoveries while helping individuals avoid a potentially disastrous slide into bankruptcy.

Potential issues

  • As an individual in financial difficulty you find yourself facing bankruptcy and want some practical advice and help.
  • As a professional individual you may lose your professional status if made bankrupt and need to look for an alternative solution.
  • As a creditor you need to manage your exposure to losses.
  • As a credit manager within a company, you constantly receive notices of creditors meetings regarding bankruptcies and would like someone to evaluate these for you en-bloc at no charge.

How we can support you

  • By helping creditors find straightforward and practical solutions for cases of any size.
  • With leading-edge expertise and specialist bankruptcy processing centres - to minimise costs and maximise recoveries and to encourage the payment of dividends to creditors as early as possible.
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA) avoid the stigma of bankruptcy.
  • IVA is a confidential process between individual and creditors.
  • IVA provides a flexible approach to asset realisation and payment schedules.
  • Through IVA an individual can continue to trade a business and does not face debarment from professional associations.

PwC's personal insolvency services include

  • Personal insolvency advice.
  • Acting as Trustee in Bankruptcy.
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements.

Contact us

Muniu Thoithi

Muniu Thoithi

Deals Leader, East Africa region, PwC Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 285 5000

George  Weru

George Weru

Partner | Advisory, Business Restructuring and Forensics Services, PwC Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 285 5000

Laolu Akindele

Laolu Akindele

Technology Consulting Leader, PwC Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 285 5000

Simon Mutinda

Simon Mutinda

Advisory Partner and Program Portfolio Management Lead, PwC Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 285 5000

Isaac Otolo

Isaac Otolo

Partner and Transactions Lead, East Africa, PwC Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 285 5000

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