Our experience

Supporting the creation of an AI Innovation Hub and AI Strategy for Hungary


The development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Hungary was fragmented and lacked systemic support. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology wanted to consolidate and leverage Hungary’s strengths in technology to help realise economic and societal advantages. 


PwC supported the creation of an AI Innovation Hub and AI Strategy for Hungary. 



Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Kft. / Digital Success Nonprofit Ltd.


Our role:

We worked in close cooperation with the AI Coalition of Hungary, managed the work of experts and expert groups, and supported the process of synthesising and formulating the strategy. 



Public Sector and Infrastructure 



- international mapping

- organisation of workshops, expert meetings and events,

- development of Hub service portfolio and operational model,

- support in writing and synthesizing the AI strategy, budgeting, KPIs

- providing the design of the strategy





Setting the scene

An established Artificial Intelligence (AI) ecosystem can boost a country’s economy by increasing efficiency and improving productivity. Hungary recognised the value of the individual companies working in AI and took steps to develop the Hungarian Artificial Intelligence Coalition in October 2018, as the formal network of organisations related to AI in Hungary.      

Soon after its founding, members focused on Hungary’s fragmented approach and insufficient systemic support to truly realise the technology’s potential. The Coalition determined that a formal platform was needed to develop Hungary’s AI ecosystem as well as raise awareness in society about the opportunities and threats that are associated with the technology.




How we helped

PwC supported the creation of the AI Innovation Hub and the AI Strategy.      

Based on inputs from the AI Coalition of Hungary, we performed an analysis of the legal context, needs and possible forms of ecosystem support and awareness raising. Based on the analysis and international benchmarking, PwC developed and proposed an operational model and service portfolio for creating an AI Innovation Hub. As part of this process, the team identified the target groups of the AI Innovation Hub, and designed a service portfolio, pricing model, resource plan, organisational plan and first year budget for the Hub.      

We provided sectoral expertise in relevant fields, steered expert meetings, synthesised and formulated the results, designed the visualisation of the strategy, and supported the processes of budget determination and of identifying KPIs. 

Also, In close cooperation with the AI Coalition leadership, PwC joined various targeted working group activities, provided expertise in several areas of the AI Strategy, synthesised and formulated possible outcomes and supported stakeholder dialogues regarding those outcomes. 

PwC support in both cases was leveraged by the stakeholders to help create a vision for specific cornerstones of AI development in Hungary and to realise that vision.   


Hungary has realised the importance of creating and delivering diverse forms of support for the AI ecosystem, and also for the average citizen in order to fully grasp the potential and avoid the pitfalls of this new technology. We leveraged PwC’s expertise in AI technology, in the legal framework of public sector operations, and in operational models in order to envision the AI Innovation Hub.

Csilla Stéger, Senior Manager, PwC Hungary


Impact and potential

The creation of an AI Innovation Hub in Hungary and follow-up engagement with the Hungarian government on its AI Strategy are vital to the country’s continued high-tech development. First and foremost, this relates to the economy and business competitiveness, but as AI is increasingly utilised in daily life it has a social impact as well. The AI Innovation Hub and AI Strategy will provide a solid foundation for the increasing utilisation of AI in the daily lives of Hungarians. Also, some aspects of the AI Strategy will likely contribute to the broader European AI debates and development programmes.

The real benefit behind all this is the collaboration among diverse sectoral experts and stakeholders striving to bring about development while reimagining and actively shaping our future.


Csilla Stéger

Csilla Stéger

Senior Manager, PwC Hungary

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