Finance, Treasury & Securitisation

Financial stability is a major goal for any organisation. With the ever changing regulatory environment and increasing tax demands, PwC is able to address your individual challenges, opportunities and perspectives with a customised approach.

If you need

  • instant updates and adaptation of new tax developments so that the enhanced due diligence procedures offer you competitive advantage
  • to strengthen your business and increase market confidence
  • to improve your tax benefits and ensure flexibility
  • successful handling of tax audits
  • to design/improve Transfer Pricing policies
  • to restructure/expand your business in a tax efficient manner

We offer you

  • Tax Diagnostic reviews to detect tax weaknesses
  • health checks for withholding tax procedures and advice on appropriate remediation measures
  • tax advice on the (re)design of banking products
  • tax advice on procedures for calculating and paying direct and indirect taxes
  • a review of the actual tax rate, in order to improve it
  • tax advice on distressed debt
  • improvement of the deductible VAT through the sectorisation of taxable and exempt activities as well as services to EU/non-EU clients
  • assessments of Transfer Pricing policies and documentation for Transfer Pricing

Contact us

Fredy Yatracou

Fredy Yatracou

Partner, Tax, PwC Greece

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