Greek entrepreneurship at the crossroads

CEO & Family Business Survey 2016

In an environment of increased uncertainty, but still with growth prospects 

A look into the future through the eyes of 2,300 CEOs around the world including Greece:
  • USA and China are the two main drivers of economic growth
  • Greek CEOs believe that there will be a global economic growth in 2017, but the majority does not feel confident about their company’s long term prospects for revenue growth
  • CEOs in Greece have different concerns from their peers about the future: Increasing tax, Uncertain economic growth, Unemployment
  • Organic growth and cost reduction are the top priorities for CEOs in Greece and globally
The themes for Family Businesses in Greece:
  • Market uncertainty
  • Funding constraints
  • Technology impact
  • Growth through exports, but from existing businesses
  • Low degree of formal organisation
  • Little mention of innovation
  • Low level of formality in managing affairs


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Contact us

Penelope Kourkafa

Director, Marketing & Communications, PwC Greece

Olympia Liami

Manager, Advisory, PwC Greece

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