Tax, VAT, customs and trade alerts

We provide a wealth of publications by PwC Rwanda providing informed commentary on current developments in the tax arena, both locally and internationally.

Through analysis and comment on new law and judicial decisions of interest, they assist business executives to identify developments and trends in tax law and revenue practice that might impact their business.

Woman reading the latest PwC Rwanda tax alert.

In this issue:

Tax Alert - Insight into the latest Ministerial Orders

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) has made substantial progress in tax administration and compliance by implementing new Ministerial Orders.

These orders are crafted to put into action essential elements of VAT law No. 049/2023 and Tax Procedures law 020/2023, meaning a significant shift in the implementation and adherence to tax laws within the country.

Rwanda’s VAT compliance program is distinguished by its strategic application of technology to encourage consumer participation in tax compliance.

This Tax Alert explores the Orders in detail, explaining their potential impact, the advantages they offer, and the possible challenges they may present upon implementation.


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Contact us

Frobisher Mugambwa

Frobisher Mugambwa

Partner, PwC Rwanda

Tel: +250 252 588203/4/5/6

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