Transaction services

With our dedicated specialists in our Baltic Deals team, we can bring you, our client, a combination of financial, commercial and operational insight to every deal. We deliver unparalleled knowledge as we navigate the deal process with you.

Whether you are making an acquisition, divestiture, or strategic alliance, in each case we have the same objective – to make sure you get the maximum return on your deal.

We advise clients who are buying or selling their entire business, or a part of it, as well as those refinancing or listing on stock exchanges. Financial due diligence is at the heart of what we do, strategically assessing opportunities and risks to ensure our clients make the most informed decisions.

Our services

Any organisation considering a deal needs to check all the assumptions it makes about that deal. Financial due diligence offers peace of mind to both corporate and financial buyers because it analyses and validates all the financial, commercial, operational and strategic assumptions being made. It also uses past trading experience to form a view of the future and ensure there are no 'black holes'.

Service components include revenue, commercial and market due diligence, synergy validation, maintainable earnings, future cash flows, all operational issues, and deal structuring.

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If your company is up for sale - or you are selling off one of its parts – you’ll need to show an in-depth report on its financial health to potential buyers - this is vendor due diligence. We help both buyers and sellers (vendors) with an independent view of the business, encompassing its performance and prospects.

Our vendor assistance specialists work alongside your company management and your lead advisers throughout the process, making sure that opportunities and issues are understood and the correct steps are taken.

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In any transaction, the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) represents the outcome of key commercial and pricing negotiations. Purchasers and Sellers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in seeking to exploit the potential value to be gained through the negotiation and execution of the SPA.

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Contact us

Rokas Žemaitis

Rokas Žemaitis

Director, Head of Deals, PwC Lithuania

Tel: +370 616 90151

Petras Misiūnas

Petras Misiūnas

Senior Manager, Deals, PwC Lithuania

Tel: +370 616 38601

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