At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. With us, you’re always supported by a global network of more than 360,000 people in 151 countries with one goal: to help your business thrive. PwC’s professional services, including audit and assurance, tax and consulting, cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries. Let’s combine your aspirations with our world-class capabilities to achieve your goals.
Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at
In Bangladesh, PwC office is in Dhaka. PwC Bangladesh is now a strong team of more than 100 professionals providing services to a wide range of clients. For more information about PwC Bangladesh’s service offerings, visit
PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
Contact us
PricewaterhouseCoopers Bangladesh Private Limited
11th Floor, Laila Tower
8 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan - 1
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 961 097 4000
Fax: +880 961 200 4100
Important notice: Beware of fraudulent activities!
It has recently come to our notice that certain unknown individuals are exploiting the 'PwC' logo and name to defraud the public in Bangladesh through fake websites and social media channels.
PwC Bangladesh ( emphasises that we never engage in any kind of trading or money collection schemes. We are taking all necessary preventive measures, including reporting the matter to local law enforcement authorities to ensure strict action against those involved in these illegal activities. As of now the fake websites have been reported against and they are shut down.
We caution the public to remain vigilant and aware of such fraudsters who are illegally using PwC name to seek money. Anyone dealing with such websites other than the official PwC website, as mentioned above, shall do so at their own risk and responsibility, and PwC shall not be responsible.