Corporate responsibility

Part of it: Solutions for change

Our approach

PwC is a strong brand in our markets and we have a responsibility to show leadership, both as a business and as a community member. We are committed to making a positive difference, based upon our core competencies and values.

The Africa Central corporate responsibility programme was launched in July 2008 in line with global PwC objectives. Since then, we have embedded corporate responsibility into our strategy, focusing on education and community issues as well as health issues and famine and disaster relief.

In all of our markets, a considerable number of PwC staff participate in corporate responsibility projects and willingly donate generously. Many of these donations are matched in kind by PwC firms.

The following selection of projects illustrates our commitment to corporate responsibility.



The Mama Muxima Orphanage and School in Luanda was established in 2002 in a one-room house. Today, the orphanage is home to 96 children housed in two buildings, a church and a school. Another 82 children receive partial residence and all 178 are enrolled in school at the facility, which also offers literacy classes for adults.

PwC Angola funded scholarships for 120 pupils in the school, allowing them to complete secondary school. The firm also donated bedding, plates, cups, cutlery and a stove as well as detergents, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap for washing clothes, buckets, brooms and body soap. Additionally, every year PwC staff volunteer at the orphanage and contribute funds for food and clothing.

The Malange orphanage is located in a provice close to Luanda. PwC provided the orphanage with a kitchen stove to improve food preparation for its 45 orphans. The orphanage was devastated in Angola’s civil war and badly in need of furniture and other items.

Contact us

Ricardo Santos

Country Senior Partner, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 227 286 109

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