
Land of opportunities

Latin America is a constantly evolving market, which is becoming increasingly important in global macroeconomic dynamics year over year. In 2017, it attracted investments from abroad of approximately $162 billion, with 42% coming from Europe.

To date, Italy is present in the Latin American region with about 3,400 companies and a cumulative investment of approximately $20 billion.

The investment dynamics are in continuous and rapid evolution.  They highlight a growing interest of Latin American investors towards Europe, and in particular Italy, the second largest manufacturing market in Europe.

An investment always presents some technical and economic challenges; doing it in geographically "distant" areas also requires the need to understand and overcome market, cultural, social and politically administrative barriers, even before linguistic ones.

For this, at the Latam Desk, we are a group with specific Latam skills in M&A and business integration, obtained through many years of experience in the field.  This allows us to adequately understand and manage the changing and challenging socio-economic dynamics of the Latin world.

What we do

  • Assistance in opportunity screening and investment feasibility.
  • Analysis of financial, fiscal and labor law risks, related to the business and the countries.
  • Negotiation support in the different phases of the deal.
  • Management consulting with regard to the integration and development of the investment.

A truly unique mix of skills and experience that allows us to not only perform as service providers for our customers, but also as an intermediaries between buyers, sellers and the local socio-economic framework.

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