PwC Africa P&U Sector survey

Welcome to the first edition of the PwC Africa Power & Utilities Sector Survey.

The survey goes to the heart of boardroom thinking in utility companies and other sector stakeholders across the continent. It supplements our Global Power & Utilities Survey with a deeper dive into the African power utility sector.

We look ahead to the future world of electricity in Africa as well as taking a hard look also at the key challenges the power sector faces today. The changes that lie ahead are of great potential significance. New technologies, unforeseen possibilities, different ways of generating, distributing, storing and using electricity will all play their part.

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Contact us

Moses Nyabanda

Moses Nyabanda

Partner, PwC Rwanda

Tel: +250 252 588203/4/5/6

Jackson Ogallo

Jackson Ogallo

Business School & CMD, PwC Rwanda

Tel: +250 (0) 252 588203/4/5/6

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