
Better care at lower social costs

New innovations, new technology, new treatments. A lot of new ideas, and thus a lot of opportunities. At the same time, there is a range of challenges to face: limited budgets, a tight labour market, an ageing population, political developments, an increase in chronic diseases, changing and more complex care demands, more active participation and personal control of patients, plus an increase in healthcare costs. So how will good, accessible and affordable care continue to remain possible? And how do you contribute to the sustainable future of our healthcare?

Improve healthcare together with you

Together with you, we work on future-proof healthcare in which quality improvement is key. In co-creation with the government, local (private) organisations and the pharmaceutical and life sciences sector, we develop workable solutions for the challenges of today and tomorrow. We focus on social transformation projects that have a relevant impact on the lives of patients and citizens. Cross-domain collaboration (de-compartmentalisation), better use of our labour market potential, attention to the social determinants of healthcare and control of healthcare costs are crucial in this respect. We also support organisations with customised digital applications and provide advice from strategy to execution.

Our professionals share an absolute passion for the health sector and therefore choose to work in healthcare because they want to make a difference in an area that is really important to them! In addition to our ambition, we also share our expertise in the public policy debate.

At PwC, our 'Quality as a medicine' approach focuses on three key themes: Network transformation, Digitalisation and the Future of Work to achieve breakthroughs that are essential for better, personalised care.

It is not the treatment of disorders that comes first, but the individual and its quality of life. In our work for and together with healthcare organisations, governments and financiers, we have shown that unnecessary treatments and organisational efforts can be prevented, hence the  quality of care improves, social costs decrease and employees are more satisfied.

What starts with small initiatives in the workplace quickly results in a fundamental change in thinking and acting of healthcare organisations and their networks. It also requires new ways of financing, deployment of employees, supervision, training, cooperation with informal networks, organisation and the implementation of new technology. Transforming these networks within healthcare is not an easy task, but it is the only way to keep healthcare innovative, accessible and affordable.

Healthcare digitalisation is about using technology, data and analytics to help healthcare providers, organisations and patients face tomorrow's challenges with confidence today, including those due to the pandemic. Covid-19 has accelerated this transformation and the following questions are more relevant than ever. How can healthcare organisations use technology to innovate their services and create social value at lower cost? Together we create practical innovations that transform healthcare for the future. From determining your digital strategy, implementing innovative digital applications, transforming your patient details, data analysis up to and including cybersecurity. We also pay explicit attention to the adoption of advanced technological possibilities, such as artificial intelligence.

Not only technology and its feasibility is important. Just as relevant is understanding the business side so that added value is realised for patients and organisations. In our BXT model we put all these factors, businesses, experiences and technology, into perspective for optimal results.

The ways of working change radically, and due to the COVID-19 crisis even faster. The new normal changes work, organisations, services, expectations and, above all, technology. It is also no longer a question if and when your workforce transforms. It's already happening. The availability of smart and thoughtful technology is a key driver of this change. So is the call for more diversity and equality and the need to create a different work-life balance. Labour relations are becoming more flexible, because we work longer and jobs change, we must continue to develop. 

Is your organisation agile enough to respond to the rapidly changing world of the 1.5m economy, the new normal and modern HR? Do your employees have the right competencies and how do you (permanently) cope with the increasing pressure on staff capacity in healthcare? We can help you to set up the digital workplace for your professionals and your healthcare environment safely and virtually.

Protection of privacy and data in healthcare

Organisations are evolving and through technology they are constantly changing. This also applies to organisations in the healthcare sector. Some of the challenges the sector is facing includes shortage on the labour market and the provision of optimal supply chain care. Is your patient data well protected and securely exchanged? Are you ready for the future? We work together with organisations in the healthcare sector to meet the challenges posed by digitalisation. Our starting point is that we aim better quality healthcare at lower social costs.

Read more about privacy and data protection


Contact us

Loreta Peci

Country Managing Partner, Tax and Legal Services, PwC Albania

Elvis Ziu

Advisory Leader, PwC Albania

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