People Profiles: Anna Herrera

People Profiles: Anna Herrera

Meet Anna Herrera. She has been with the firm since 2007 and is a Manager in the Tax line of service.

After her interview with the firm, Anna knew that PwC was the best choice for her. PwC were not only an extremely approachable firm, but also the interviewers were interested in her personality and not just her technical knowledge. After three years of working in the tax team, Anna feels that every target that she sets out for herself has been met through her own determination, but also through the support of the firm. Some of these targets included obtaining experience in other lines of service, delivering training at the PwC Academy, and being assigned to an international secondment. Anna enjoys the environment in which she works - she observes that the tax team is a very tight knit group, that continuously offer each other support and coaching, and this is also extended to any new joiners that enter their team. She feels that new joiners are trained in the correct way – they are given the opportunity to get their basics right before being exposed to more complex tasks – this provides them with a strong technical foundation to be successful in their career. Anna is proud to be associated to the PwC brand and she values the global networks that it has provided her with.